Chapter 08 : It's harder than I thought!

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First of all guys, I’m very sorry for not replying to any of your comments. I’m running a bit short of time. I have exams in fifteen days, but to cover that up I’m writing an OS for you all and I’ll be posting it on the Valentine’s Day, i.e. on 14th of February. It’s taking some time as I’m trying to get the emotions right in it or else it will be a waste if you guys couldn’t get to feel what I’m trying to convey through my words. Alright, I’m going to stop here before I stupidly blurt out everything here itself. I just hope that you all will like it.

Here you all go with the next chapter…

*** CHAPTER 8 ***

He runs and keeps running aimlessly without knowing where his feet are taking him. He just wants to run away as far as possible. He hates the fact that he should have done something to avoid that situation, but he didn’t. He hates the fact that she is nothing but sweet to him and all he is doing is lying to her. He hates the fact that no matter how desperately he wants to do something to help her out but nothing seems to fall in place. Everything is like a huge puzzle with its pieces scattered all over and unfortunately none of them seem to fit in the other.

And above everything he hates how loved that one kiss has made him feel. He shouldn’t have felt like that. He knows it that she is someone else’s and just that one thought makes his heart wrench. He finds it hard to fight against his heart, trying to stop that dumb beating thing from acting upon his budding feelings.

No one has made him feel so loved before. Swara makes him feel that he isn’t unwanted in this world. She makes him feel that even he matters in someone’s life. The pain of his parents abandoning him seems to be fading away with the way she makes him feel. He should feel that everything that’s happening is wrong then why the hell everything feels so right!

Everything seemed so simple before. He had to pretend to be someone else, help her out and leave! Just like that, everything was sorted!

But now with his idiotic feeling getting in his way, he finds it more and more painful being with her. What wrong has he done in life to deserve such a fate? He has been running for what seems like hours but in reality it’s only been a few minutes.

His train of thoughts get broken when he accidentally bumps into someone and both of them fall down backwards with a thump. Vidhaan winces but soon enough looks up on hearing the person in front wince even louder.

Shit! Ragini!

Ragini: (grimaces) What’s wrong with you? Why are you running like that?

Vidhaan gets up immediately and trudges towards her forwarding his hand to help her up. Ragini looks at him with confusion but soon a small smile makes its way to her lips as she shakes her head before placing her hand in his.

Vidhaan: I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking.

He says avoiding eye contact with her. But soon enough his eyes fall on two small confused pairs of eyes as Chaitanya scans him head to toe before moving towards him to hug his knee as that’s the highest he could reach with his little height.

Chits: Sanky Papa! Aal (are) you not feeling well?

Vidhaan: (ruffles his hair) No Champ, I’m perfectly alright.

Chits: Then why is youl (your) cheek so led (red)? Does Mommy slap you too? She does when I don’t listen to hel (her).

Ragini’s eyes shot up the moment she hears her son’s blabbering and her eyes go wide the moment she sees the small tinge of pink on Vidhaan’s cheek.

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