Chapter 35: The Secret Mission

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Hello everyone!

I know you all must be wondering, why I end up putting this story on hold every damn time. Yeah, I deserve your curses! 🙈

But, now on huge demand from all of you, I'm resuming this story and will be updating it on a regular basis. This story will get updated on 6th, 16th and 26th of every month. And TU HI YAAR MERA will get updated on 1st, 11th and 21st of every month. I hope this works fine with all of you!

For a brief recap, Sanskaar has accepted his feelings for Swara and since Swara seems a bit skeptical, he has challenged her for a game. A game, a month and Swara is not quite sure know how long she will be able to survive!

Also, thank you so much for 10k+ votes. That really means a lot to me!

Here's the next chapter of the story. I hope you will like it. Happy Reading! ❤️❤️

*** CHAPTER 35 ***

Isn't it amazing when someone barges into your life suddenly, makes you forget about yesterday and somewhere you start longing for a beautiful tomorrow?!

The love, that both Swara and Sanskaar have always longed for, has come to them with lots of surprises and all they need to do now is hold it tight and never let go!

Sanskaar has had never imagined even in his wildest dreams that Swara will, one day, love him exactly for what he is... That she will love him as Sanskaar, as Vidhaan. Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, he wonders 'what is it about her that he loves her so much'!

And the answer always makes him smile... Every damn thing! Her being Swara is the most special thing about her.

She makes him smile like never before. The love and admiration that her eyes hold for him makes him feel like the most blessed man in the world. Her love is like a warm home for him where his soul will always return to. After meeting her, he realized what he had been missing all his life. And now, he is brave enough to admit that he is deeply in love with her... unconditionally and irrevocably!

It has been a week since they have started this game and Swara has been trying her level best to avoid him but only he can feel how flustered she gets every time he approaches her. He can feel her melting in his embraces, and her erratic breathing with each of his caress sends a shudder down his own spine. If this is becoming pretty hard for her, then it is not in any way easy for him either. But just a couple of weeks more and she will be his forever! He knows that for sure!


Just the same way Swara has been trying to stay clear of Sanskaar for last one week, she is, today as well, trying her best to avoid him as their day begins at the breakfast table. And Sanskaar seems like enjoying it way too much!

Sanskaar: Swara, can you pass me the bowl of curd? Please!

The sweet smile Sanskaar gives her shines like the dangerous red sign right above his head, as if daring her to ignore him now in front of the whole family.

And what is it that Swara does? She passes the bowl to Ragini, who is comparatively nearer to her and Ragini forwards the bowl to Sanskaar, making Swara give him the same smile that he has been giving her all this while.

But what both of them fail to notice is a pair of curiosity filled eyes that happens to notice their exchange and also that something is going on between them for quite some days. Laksh squints his eyes noticing their peculiar behavior and decides to enquire Sanskaar about it later on.


Sanskaar eyes move to and fro like a pendulum as he tries to keep up with his brother's hasty pacing. Even since Laksh has entered his cabin ten minutes ago, he has been pacing in there restlessly, glancing in Sanskaar's direction once in a while and narrowing his eyes at him before he resumes his pacing all over again.

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