Chapter 06 : It's for Swara!

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Hello everyone!

One of my most active readers @emananadeer8 has brought to my notice that I have shown very little about the sufferings of DP and AP and a few more scenes must be included as they have lost their son. I agree I overlooked that part a bit and I must show this thing as well to give the story a complete effect. So, here you go dear. The first part is especially because you asked for it. I hope you all will like it.

*** CHAPTER 06 ***

Finishing the last bit of his work Durga Prasad moves out of his study room making his way back to his room. Opening the door, all he meets with is darkness and silence. Not even a single noise is heard. Is Annapurna asleep already? He thinks and switches on the light only to find his wife lying on the bed holding a picture frame against her chest and staring aimlessly at the ceiling. She seems unfazed by the flickering of the lights as if only her body is extant, her soul long lost.

Durga Prasad: Annapurna, what's wrong?

Annapurna: Everything!

She replies with a sigh, her eyes still concentrating onto the ceiling. Durga Prasad takes a deep breath and sits on the bed next to her. Keeping his hand lightly on her palm he tries to get her attention.

Durga Prasad: I'm sorry Annapurna! I have failed. I have lost everything that mattered to me. And not only this I have even dragged you along with me.

Annapurna: You haven't dragged me anywhere. We are in this together. You and me, as one. If any of us would have been alone, it would have been even more difficult.

For a moment none of them speaks anything. Not that they didn't want to, but none of them has any idea what to speak to comfort the other. The silence seems to be deafening and at last Annapurna decides to speak. Getting up from the bed and taking a seat beside her husband, she looks at him.

Annapurna: I'm sorry too!

Durga Prasad: For what?

Annapurna: I know I have been behaving very rudely with you ever since Shlok. But... But we have already lost Shlok and if... anything happens to... Swara then...

Her voice gives up from wording out her deadliest fears. She herself doesn't know what she would do if something happens to Swara. She is the only ray of hope and life left in their lives. A muffled sob escapes her lips as Durga Prasad wraps his arm around her shoulder hugging her sideways.

Durga Prasad: I'm sorry too. I can't even imagine how difficult it would have been for you. I even know that you don't appreciate me bringing Vidhaan here but...

Annapurna: But that's our only chance and if that's the only way to save Swara then I'm ready to take that chance.

Durga Prasad: (tightens his grip on her shoulder) Everything would be fine. We'll find out what happened to our son.

Annapurna: (whimpers) Why is it always us?

The feeble voice of his enervated wife makes him realize where the things are heading to and he instantly feels the need to divert her mind.

Durga Prasad: Whose picture are you holding?

Annapurna: Our!

She loosens her grip on the picture frame and slides it down her palm into her husband's hands. One look at the photograph and he grieves for the days when they actually were happy. The picture in his hand is the witness of their happy days. Shlok is having both his hands wrap around his parents, his lips lingering on his mother's temple in a light kiss and Durga Prasad adoring his family with a small smile on his lips. If it wouldn't have been this picture, they would have forgotten that once they even had such beautiful days. But now it's all gone!

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