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5:12 pm

Why would she do this to you?

Why don't you go ask her.

I can't even move my jaw.

Damn, I'm so sorry, Wendy.

Shut up, I don't need your sympathy.

No one deserves to be beaten up like this.

In fact this should've been the other way round, you beating up her for what she did.

I would never even think of hurting someone like this.

I'm much more mature than this.

You okay? Do you need anything?

Like you could help. Ha ha.

Try me.

How about a classic cheese burger.

Of all the things you could ask, you ask for a burger?

That's because I'm hungry and no one is at home to fix me anything.

What about your brother?

Oh my my.... Look what a stalker I've got.


The entire school knows you are the younger sister of the infamous Mark Harper aka trouble maker of his batch.

Well, people also know that we are never found in the same room.

Okay. So a burger is what you want?

A bag of fries along with it would be good too.

Just saying though.


So now what do you have to say about Rita, the one with whom you sympathised.

Guess I was wrong about her character.

Did she say anything to you?

Nothing, actually.

Two girls pinned me down, punched me and hit with a baseball bat, I got knocked out for a few minutes, then came Rita who gave me one last blow.






How can you take such serious matters so lightly?



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