f o u r

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We have some unfinished business left. Meet me in the girls room on fourth floor at 11. 


Wendy's gut twisted into a knot as she reread the text she had been sent the day before. She threw the wall clock yet another glance and chewed on her bottom lip. 10 : 42 read the digital clock.

Should she go? or she should not?

Her mind kept oscillating between the possibilities and her insides were restless. Was she again going to be bait of her ruthless schemes to degrade her? She would only find out if she confronted her. But what could be left between them?

A volley of loud bangs had her falling back in surprise. She stared at the panting girls in front of her and raised her eyebrows in confusion.

Grace and Ella stood there leaning against the row of lockers and gulped large amounts of air. Ella chucked a white can towards Wendy which she barely managed to catch.

"What's this?" Wendy asked as she rolled the cylinder in her hands and looked down at it.

"Pepper spray, Ella got it from Victoria's bag. She always keeps one handy," she said and straightened up, "Smart girl I tell you"

"Pepper Spray? for what?" Wendy asked looking between her friends and waving the can before her. 

"For your defense, dumbass" chided Ella once she had regained her breath, "Did you seriously think of meeting her without being prepared?"

Wendy sighed leaning back against her locker. "I'm not going to war you guys"

Ella groaned and cupped her forehead, "Please knock some sense in her!" She said throwing Grace a look.

"But babe you have to be prepared if she decides to go Jackie Chan on you again," She explained to her slowly. "Remind me why are you going again to meet that bitch?!"

Wendy winced and her fingers began tracing the hem of her shirt.

"Just because," she replied and brought out her phone. She secretly hoped that he would tell her about what Rita was wishing to settle between them so she could be prepared what she was going to deal with. But would he?

Probably no.

"I swear you were born with half a brain," Ella muttered, clearly frustrated with Wendy. Wendy gave her a look and pushed herself forward. 

"I gotta go now," she said turning away from both of them and began walking.

"Don't forget the pepper spray if things go wrong," Grace yelled.

Wendy fiddled with the strap of her backpack and trudge her way up the stairs. Her brain was filled with a messy thoughts and doubts. When she reached the fourth floor, her stomach suddenly became warm and her forehead started sweating. She brought a purple kerchief to dab on her skin.

I'm so screwed.

With that thought she pushed open the doors to the girls room. Surprisingly it was completely silent without anyone in sight. She hesitantly walked further until she was in the middle of the room. Her eyes raked over in all directions and when she was convinced no one was hiding behind the tall racks storing sports equipment, she let out a heavy breath.

She was about to remove her phone to check the time when suddenly the doors flew open and in walked Rita with head held high and eyes filled a magical determination. She definitely had that stance which could make anyone shiver in fear.

She walked haughtily around Wendy to the opposite corner of the room. Wendy couldn't help but watch her each step. The sway of her hips, the way her hands and face were in sync to convey the exact message she wanted to say.

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