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"Day dreaming about your soon to be boyfriend?" Wendy turned around startled and glared at her friend.

"Ella, you need to stop sneaking around like this," Wendy chided and pulled her backpack higher.

"Can't help it if people get lost in the their own sweet world" Ella replied walking around her car and opening the drivers door.

Wendy shot her another glare before climbing in the passenger seat.

"I got in the team, if you were wondering," Wendy said sarcastically once the car started moving. Ella chuckled.

"I knew you'd get back in that's why I didn't ask" Ella pointed out and Wendy narrowed her eyes at her.

"With a little difficulty might I add," Wendy added.

"Why?" Ella asked.

Wendy sighed and chewed her bottom lip, "Spencer told me it isn't a joke to drop out and join in anytime I want"

"Of course he had to, he is the captain after all," Ella answered, "But he took you back in, didn't he? That's what matters"

After a ten minute drive, Ella stopped in front of a small diner in the corner of the street. A few minutes later, a boy with tattoos on his arms and hair undercut jumped in the car.

"Hey, Ryan" Wendy smiled.

"Hi Wendy, they took you in?" Ryan asked to which Wendy nodded enthusiastically.

"That's great," Ryan said falling back on the seats.

"Businness meeting was that tiring?" Ella asked giving him a brief look in the rear view mirror.

"Business meeting? Why am I hearing about this only now?" Wendy popped her head in the middle of the two seats pining Ryan with a stern look.

"I'm planning to join Dad's business after studies hence I've started practising, but god, it's so difficult to convince investors" Ryan palmed his face.

"First time?" Wendy asked. Ryan nodded solemnly. "Must've been awkward for you"

"God you're so perverted Wendy" Ella said grinning. Wendy just nudged her in the rib before laughing along with her.

"Where to then?" Ryan asked.

"My mom is making enchiladas today" Wendy announced winking in Ella's direction.

"Say no more" Ella said and drived towards her house.


"Ryan why can't you keep your eyes off your phone?" Ella asked crossing her arms across her chest. "The moment we've entered Wendy's house, you are behaving like your in a relationship with your phone"

Ryan rolled his eyes and tossed his phone on the bed, he flopped down on the bean bag and sighed.

"I'm waiting for their response" He said.

"Relax, man. Give it some time, I'm sure they'll agree to whatever your proposal will be," Ella assured munching another Dorrito from the bag.

"I hope so too," Ryan whispered, his eyes fixed to the ceiling.

Wendy came in with a tray full of three tall glasses filled to the rim with smoothies.

"God bless you, Wendy! Feeding the hungry, I'm sure you'll go to heaven" Ella was the first one to start drinking and moan in delight.

"Always the hungry one," Wendy chuckled and walked out the door. She went downstairs and glanced at the clock again.

Quarter past five yet no sign of her brother.

"Why hasn't Mark come yet?" finally Wendy asked. Her mother who was busy shuffling in the small kitchen looked up at her surprised.

"Since when do you ask about him?" She asked and continued cooking.

Wendy felt a pinch of distaste hearing that so she swallowed and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

She climbed up the stairs and wondered what she came to know today. Deep down even she knew that beneath the mask of that tough guy who only talked in sarcasm was a brother who cared. So without wasting time she tore a piece of paper from her notebook wrote in delicate handwriting the words she could never say in person and folded the paper.

She ran to his room and placed the white paper right beside the phone charger. She walked out his room satisfied. She had written what she truly meant.

Thank you for having my back. You know I love you, right?


She entered her room to find both her friends, huddled together under a blanket staring at her laptop.

"You started the movie without me?" Wendy whispered and joined the duo on her bed.

"Shut up and watch" Ella said not peeling her eyes away from the screen.

As the openeing scene rolled in, Ella sloped towards Wendy and in a soft voice asked, "Your brother back home?"

"Don't make it that evident that you have a crush on him" Beside her Ryan stated. Ella immediately straightened up, huffing.

"I do not have a crush on him," She said icily before focusing back on the movie.

"I don't understand why you find my brother so attractive, he's an average college going student with an ego greater than Tony Stark" Wendy said chortling. When she glanced sideways both her friends gaped at her.

"What exactly is your definition of average?!" Ella shouted.

Before Wendy could answer a louder voice interrupted which ran in the entire house.


Wendy could only hide her burning face behind her hands.

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