
3.9K 229 20

11:35 pm

Are you fine?

You mean Rita Stiles?


The one who beat me like I was a sack for her boxing practice?

Umm, yeah.

Your ex girl friend....


That's why you were taking her side when I caught her and Emmett.


I mean yeah a part of the reason but the main one was we didn't know her side of the story.


You are just like the other guys, one of her puppets. And you messaged me because you felt sorry for me.

Of course not, Wendy.


Will you listen to me?


All this time you've been her secret spy and talking to me because you couldn't digest the fact that the love of your life put someone in misery.

Am I right or am I right?!

I never could've imagined this!

Oh God shut up!

You done throwing a tantrum or do you need more verbal accusations to throw my way?


I hate you.

Fine by me.

Yes even I've got my heart broken by her but I've moved on now.

I was in love with her and a part of me will always be but that doesn't mean I was defending her or spying for her.

I'm just mature enough to not overlook other person's perspective.

So are you going to talk to me or no?

Fine, be a child.

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[Any guesses what Rita might've texted Wendy?]

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