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1:25 pm

You weren't planning on asking someone else, were you?

No, not really.

I was going to go alone.

I thought it is couple entry. I read it on the flyer.

Yes, but the rules got to have some relaxation for the volunteers after all.

Oh, okay.

To be honest, it was really a big surprise to me when you asked.

And you surprised me when you agreed😂

You agreed to go to the dance with a boy whose name you don't know.


Do you want me to say no now?


No no no no.

I didn't mean that I was just joking.

I know. Chill.

FYI, I'm not some ugly guy who sleeps with mouth open.


Girls drool at me.

I'm sure they do.

Even you do.

Shut up.

We'll have that discussion when you finally know who I am ;)




Do you like me?

Of course I do.

Do you "like" like me?


Actually wait, there's no point in hiding anything.

I like you.

Very much.

And I know it sounds unbelievable but...

trust me when I say that I haven't felt something like this in a very long time for someone

So I know exactly what I'm feeling.

Somewhere between trying to make you realise your self worth I began admiring you.

You're fierce, Wendy and...even beautiful isn't an enough word to describe you.

You're not perfect yet you are what every girl should be like.

I'm so sorry, I know I'm making no sense whatsoever.

I understand you.

What I just want to say is that when I first messaged you I was just looking after you.

I wasn't expecting us to be friends back again.

Hell, I wasn't expecting anything.

But everyday I got to know you bit by bit and it was so delightful to talk to you Wendy.

I lost myself thinking about you everday.

And yesterday my sister smacked me the face and told me to man up and take you out.

And I would be a fool if I let you go so I listened to my heart and asked you out.

And I don't know what you feel about me because obviously you think you don't know me and so I want us to go the dance the way you want.

It could be date or it could just be two old friends catching up or you could just say no now.

So you decide because I have no idea what I am to you.

Listen, I got go. It's urgent.


Where? :(

Did I make you uncomfortable?

I'm so stupid!

I need to go.

So that I can get myself the prettiest dress.

Wendy, I was so close to getting a heart attack right now.

It's not funny.


I'm sorry.

And don't worry, I like you too.

(PS. Your sister knows this)

That little imp!

So tell me, what's your favourite colour?

What for?

For my dress.

Or maybe I'll just get a green one ;)

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