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12:39 pm

Hey, man. What's up?

You're sweet talking to my brother again? -_-

oh the protective sister...

You can call me Hela.


If you make my brother upset again, I'll personally make sure your ass won't be able to sit.

Just imagine how you'll go to the toilet

*evil laughter*

Listen, I know what I did back then was stupid but I don't intend to make such silly mistakes again. 

In fact, I like your brother. 

a lot.

Just as friends for that matter but you get it right? 

It won't happen again.

He seems very happy when he talks with you so for his sake, no scratch that for your own sake, don't fuck it up like Rita. 

Or else... you know whose wrath you'll see.

Ugh, yeah. Okay girl.

Its QUEEN for y

Hey, its me again.

I'm officially scared of your sister.

She's generally never this violent, don't worry.

No, I need to get off this planet.

She's as scary as a one direction fan when you insult those boys.

Jeez, I'm so not messing it up with you this time.

You're such a drama queen, Wendy.

You really think I'll let anyone hurt you? ;)

I don't know what to say to this.

So you like me, huh?

No! Lost your mind or what

as a friend?



Yeah, but just as a friend.

Relax girl, Its totally cool if you like me (not as a friend).

I tend to steal hearts.

I'll believe that since you dated Rita, the most popular girl of our school.

Ugh yeah

I must say she wasn't as bad as I was expecting her to be. She told me about Emmett's dirty work.

Did you know?

I came to know the same day you did.

Rita told you?


I was wrong to have thought she was a bitch. She had her side of the story which I didn't know.

Its the part where I tell you "Told ya"

You're always so.....

Mature in situations.

Experiences, dear friend.

You know I tried asking her if she had an ex in our school.

What did she say?

A predictable answer actually.

I quote, "Oh, darling, there are countless of them"


I was hoping I could track you down. but I would  rather get to know the real you than what the world calls you.

I feel good hearing this.

You're fine right?


So tell me what do you prefer to do on such a fine day as this one.

I spend half the day playing a sport with my sister. Then I catch up with studies and in the evening it's fine for some action movies.

Talking about sports, I'm going tomorrow on the field to get back in the basketball team.

Woahhhhh. That's fantastic!

I'll definitely be at your next game cheering for you

Then I'll definitely win

That you will, girl.


What scares you the most?

Why do you ask?

I wanna know if fears can be stupid.

So what scares you?

Empty promises

Empty promises

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