
3.9K 238 48

10:38 am

You are joking, right?


It's impossible though.

I can't believe it.

Deny as much you want, girl, but it's the truth.

Who told you?

Emmett himself.


A week ago.

My brother is emotionless.

You know, he laughed when I came home with a bruised face that day.

He told me I was weak and that I couldn't take care of myself.

He would never do such a thing.

Ask him then.

We never exchange words.

Unless they are insults.

Good lord, so much rift between adult siblings!

Because he is an asshole, believe me.

Maybe he is.

But he is an asshole who looks after his sister.

He makes fun of you in private but he defends you in public.

And I think all that he says to you is only to make you stronger.

Well, he could be like you and just tell that to me nicely.

But no, he'll make sure I cry my eyes out and hate him for the rest of my life.

Different people, different ways.

Listening about you and Mark remind me a lot of Thor and Loki.



You can't stand him but I'm sure you can't live without him.

Only because I've got used to him after being together for seventeen years.

How cute.

Aren't you getting late for class?

Nope, I'm skipping this one.

Got some work to do.

Oh, guess we'll talk later then.

If you're free, we could continue our talk ;)

Well, unlike you I have to attend.



Miss me maybe?


um, nothing.

See you.

How can I miss you if you're on my mind 24x7


Message me after your trials, I'll be waiting.

Message me after your trials, I'll be waiting

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