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Spencer let out a frustrated sigh before falling back on the worn out seats. His fingers fumbled around the edges of his jacket and his jaw ticked.

Nothing was going right. Absolutely nothing.

He had planned the day with such care and enthusiasm that now watching it fall apart made his head hurt. His heart ached as he glanced to the side.

Under the low glow of moonlight, Wendy was perched on the sidewatching the chaos below them silently.

The lights had gone out, while they were in midair, inside the passenger car of what was supposed to be the "most romantic" amusement ride.

Spencer cursed under his breath yet again but Wendy did not look up. She threaded her hands together and cringed at the increasing number of shouts. People were hurling abuses and the entire carnival was shrouded in darkness.

His hands came up and pulled his hair feeling his blood heat up. He had wanted to make this day perfect for her but fate had decided that only servings today would be of disappointment.

First the punctured tire while on their way to this Carnival. Then the boy who couldn't keep his eyes straight ahead and spilled all his milkshake on Wendy's shirt. Then the long queue to the photo booth that separated them for an hour. Then the overpriced treats which ended up on the ground due to an overexcited toddler.

So here they were, clothes battered and sticky, pocket empty and hungry on the Ferris wheel. Stuck.

He tried to take a calming breath when the whiff of milk and chocolate coming from Wendy hit him. He bit the inside of his cheek from swearing again. She had brushed the mishap off but he could sense the discomfort and the smiles she forced.

Damn, he thought. She deserved better.

He buried his face in his hands and felt the guilt rising. He should've been more careful! He should've checked the tires before leaving. He should've been careful not to go to crowded places. He should've held her hands to keep her from getting driven away. He should've been more careful with the food. He should've...

Suddenly, his hands were being freed from gripping the leather seats. Soft fingers entwined with his long ones and Spencer looked up. He couldn't see her face in this darkness, only the whites of her eyes and the subtle highlights of her cheeks under the white moonlight.

"Nothing is going as planned" He said in a low, tired voice, "I'm so sorry"

Wendy clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Are you kidding me?  This is perfect!"

Spencer wanted to laugh. This was far from perfect. If the electricity didn't come soon, they'd probably get home very late, concerning Mrs. Harper.

"You don't have to pretend, babe" He said wearily leaning behind and resting his head on the seat. "It all went wrong"

In spite of the heat and slick condition of their clothes, Wendy mirrored his position and tugged him towards her. "Stop giving yourself a hard time over something so silly. I'm not disappointed one bit. On the contrary I'm quite impressed"

She blushed, smiling to herself.

Spencer chuckled, "By my bad luck?"

Wendy felt like whacking him but instead she buried her head in his arms. She whispered lightly, "By your efforts, dummy"

She heard him breathe deeply at that. She bit her lip as voices of angry parents and restless teenagers roamed around them.

"It's your efforts that count, Spencer. The fact that you're willing to give anything to make this date so memorable makes me feel so, so special. You have no idea how lucky I consider myself for having you"

Spencer's heart beat faster with her words. Her fingers tightened in his hand and she dared to look up. Of course she couldn't his face but confessing to the boy who made her knees go weak was something of a challenge. Blood was rushing to her cheeks, he could feel it too.

Spencer tipped towards her side feeling his stomach go warm. He pulled her closer until he could feel her hot breath on his face and hear the small gulp she took. Then he leaned forward to kiss her.

But their foreheads bumped.

Both of them laughed at that and fell back on the seats again, tied to eachother.

"Plus, this isn't that bad. Being stuck here in mid air with you, I mean. And look up," she urged him. They saw a thousand twinking stars above them.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Wendy breathed.

"Not more than you of course" came his quick reply. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"You know I'm already yours so you can stop it with the cheesy lines" She said moving her fingers along his arm.

Spencer laughed lightly, "Well I can't help it, it's the truth." He slowly tilted his head and rested it on her shoulder breathing deeply. "You know you smell so delicious right now, it's hard not to devour you"

"And do you know you've been walking around all day looking like a snack" She said cheekily. "It's difficult to keep my hands to myself"

Spencer's chest vibrated with a delightful laugh. Wendy could feel her heart getting light and a gust of cold wind caressing them.

"Spencer" She said with a serious voice, "No matter how perfectly you plan things, life will always find a way around them but I want you to know one thing. No matter which rollercoaster you ride on, full-speed or rattling like this one, I'm here." She paused. "I'm here with you. Always by your side"

Spencer's heart swelled with unsaid emotions. He felt like he had received everything he ever wanted in this very moment, inside the cramped passenger car of a Ferris wheel.

He was indeed on top of the world.

"That's a good thing," He said finally, "because honestly speaking, I can't imagine my future without you" And with that he kissed her forehead.

Spencer promised back that he would be the anchor she would hold onto, he would help her grow and that he would always look after her.

Of course they had to seal it with a passionate kiss when the lights came back on. They drove back home, windows down with smiles wider than ever.

And here it ends

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And here it ends...

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