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10:41 pm

You there?


I miss you.

Seems like you won't be coming anytime soon.

I'm tired so maybe I should sleep then.

Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

Dammit, I'm so sorry.

I was on call with Victoria.

The annual dance party is next week so we were discussing about it's preparations.

I'm so sorry.

  goodnight 😔

2:21 am

It's okay, it's just me being restless without you. Hahaha.

I know it's annoying receiving such messages, sorry 😅


Don't worry, it's not at all annoying.

You're awake.

Yeah, I couldn't sleep.

Why not? It's very late 😐

You're awake too you know.

I just woke up. I get these random dreams some days so I wake up in the middle of the night.

What kind of dreams?

It's nothing actually, why couldn't you sleep?

My thoughts kept me awake so here I am listening to cheap thrills and dancing in the dark.


You should try it sometime.

It's insane.

I do that too but not at an hour where ghosts have the most power and I'm the only one awake.

Hahah, you believe in ghosts?

Oh yes. I get scared shitless sometimes.


So I'm assuming you're not a big fan of horror movies.

Absolutely not.

Half of the time I'm under the blanket when I watch horror movies.

If not I might get a heart attack.

Oh no😂

What would you do in a theatre then?  Haha

That's the thing, I don't.

I don't go to the theatre for horror.

Not even once?

I went for Lights Out, worst decision of my life


I couldn't sleep for five days straight. Had memorised bits of useful information like. "The power of Christ compels you, SHOW ME YOUR FACE!"

Oh my God.

Since then I have become very alert whenever I'm out of the house at night.

Leaves rustling, wind blowing harshly or a distant cry of a dog, I'm always ready with my cross.


You'll need a tough wife then

Tough or no, I don't care but she must know the entire exorcism in case of emergency.

Like what if an evil spirit is after my soul? She must be ready to save me 😂😂

Oh God, nothing like that will ever happen.

Stop believing in such things😂😂

I will.

Once people stop making such movies.


Lord save you, boy.

He will, I'm sure of it.

I go to the church religiously so he's got no reason to not help me. 😂😂

I know, who can deny someone who has such a beautiful soul as you.


Yeah, yeah, whatever.

No seriously, you're the kindest, nicest  and most beautiful person I know.

Have you not heard of Angelina Jolie?


You know what?


We've both got school tomorrow and we should sleep.

Oh yeah, but you know what?


I plan on wasting another hour or so fantasizing about you.

So you go ahead and sleep.


Ahem, okay.

I have green eyes btw.


It'll help in fantasizing you know 😂

Yeah, yeah.

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