t h r e e

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Wendy was highly disappointed with herself.

She had forgotten to complete her Math homework, was daydreaming in her psychology class and had failed terribly on her physics test.

She had chosen to ignore the few snickers she received from her classmates and the whispers that seemed to follow her because what had happened between her and Rita.

Things at home weren't good either, her father was away serving as a part of the nations army, her brother was up to annoy her any time of the day and her mother wouldn't stop asking who beat her up.

Mrs. Harper was a very possessive mother.

If Wendy were to disclose who gave her all those battering kicks and punches, she feared her mother would  run to the headmaster with a complain against Rita.

But Wendy didn't want any more drama so she convinced her mother that she was fine, or a least she thought she tried to convince her. 

Wendy stared at the insides of her rusty locker and sighed. The grey paint was chipped from different places and the divider inside looked like it would give up any moment and send her books tumbling down. Nothing was going right.

She collected her pair of gym clothes and shut the locker gently. She turned around only to come face to face with Emmett.

She jerked back in surprise and her eyes widened. Her heart had picked up speed and her mouth was suddenly dry. This was the first time she was seeing him after their breakup.

He looked miserable.

His face was bruised beyond what she had imagined, purple blotches covered his face. His face didn't have the shine it usually had and his body looked worse. It felt like someone had stabbed her heart.

Emmett lowered his head, avoiding Wendy's gaze.

Three weeks since the breakup and yet this boy didn't have anything to say to her.  She had imagined this a thousands times, of how Emmett would react when they would finally meet. She had imagined that he might be ashamed of what he did and maybe he might've missed her too like she had missed him. But here he was, standing here like a coward instead of facing her.

Not an apology or explanation on lips. Wendy scoffed mentally when she noticed the way he looked anywhere but into her eyes.

 How could he when all his eyes were capable of showing was guilt. Plain guilt but not a single word to offer.

Such a spineless bastard, Wendy gritted her teeth as she felt anger replacing the pain and concern she felt moments ago.

Gripping the clothes in her hands more tightly she walked past him without another glance behind. Her eyes burned with unshed tears but she kept reminding herself the words her friend had taught her.

He isn't worth it. He isn't worth it. 

That boy isn't worth my tears.

She pulled her phone out to see an unopened message resting in her inbox.

You are considering to rekindle your relationship with him, aren't you? 

She furiously typed her answer and sent it.

No. Never in a million years.

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