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1:21 pm

that makes the two of us then. 

Apart from it I think I might be developing fear of commitment.


Everyone goes through this phase after their breakup.

Even though everyone assures me I can't help but feel scared of my future regarding this.

What if he (future partner) turns out to be an asshole like Emmett.

My sweet Wendy...

Try to imagine this as I speak, okay?


Prom is coming so you'll need a dress right?


You'll go to the shop and start searching for a dress. You'll come across a magnificent one which you like a lot. 

Will you buy it?

No, I'll first try it. See if it fits well and suits me you know.

Perfect. Now imagine the first dress has some problems. Its too tight for you, so now what you'll do?

I'll look for another one, duh.

And if the second one comes out the same, not good for you then?


I'll keep trying  until I find the perfect piece for me.

Now listen, just the way you have to put so much effort for finding the perfect dress, you have to put equally (hell even more) effort to find the perfect man.

So if you're not going to try the dress, you'll never know if its right for you or no. 

And its a process right? You try one then another until you find "the one".

In all of this I'm not trying to compare guys/girls with clothes but you get the point right?

Hahah, I do now.

So if one has a phobia of trying on dress' while they come out to buy one sounds pretty ridiculous, won't you agree? ;)


You're insight is very vast.

hey, I'm actually late for lunch. 

My mom is screaming, lol, I got to go.

btw does your mom ever shout at you when you miss meals? Mine will start a world war 3.

I don't have a mother, Wendy.

[#25 is SS, guys! Time for some celebration

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[#25 is SS, guys! Time for some celebration

PS. Dedication to the sarcastycally for making this beautiful cover]

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