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Wendy released a heavy breath as she placed her hands on the railing in front of her. The cold metal made a shiver run down her spine and she immediately withdrew her hands, hugging her body to provide some warmth on this cold night. 

She could hear the distant music that was playing in the gym, so loud, she had to excuse herself to give her ears rest and also her wildly racing heart. 

Everything was magical. 

From the moment he entered her house this evening to the very last second she spent with him just a moment ago. His eyes, a frosty green, had never held such delicacy as they showed when he swayed with her tonight. Hands on her waist and the most charming smile on his face. 

Wendy closed her eyes, relishing the feel of his hands on her body and the way her skin tingled under his gaze which was like cold fire. She wanted to get lost in his eyes because they were full of compassion.

She licked her lips while her body trembled replaying the way he twirled her and pulled her close when she had lost balance. 'Can't help falling for me, can you?' his eyes had twinkled under the starry lights, she had just turned her head away fearing if it actually turned out true.

Her breaths had turned shaking at the thought. Suddenly, the music boomed louder and her eyes flew open, her hands falling to her sides immediately. She glanced at the intruder and stopped. 

"I didn't scare you with my dance moves, did I?" He asked, looking genuinely puzzled, his eyebrows were drawn up in question and lips in a small frown.

'Of course not!' Wendy wanted to scream but she paused a bit thinking of something smarter to say but when he continued to look at her that way, her insides shriveled up.

"No," she finally let out in a meek voice. His face didn't change and he didn't stop eyeing her with that hurtful gaze. 

"No! NO!" This time it came louder than she had expected and she instantly pushed herself forward to him, holding his arm she firmly she shook her head. "You were actually great in there."

When she looked at him with hopeful eyes, Spencer's face broke into a grin. "Relax, I'm kidding" and then he gazed down the railing, Wendy sighed secretly.

"If you're not into this," He gestured behind them to the closed doors restraining the loud music, "We could go elsewhere"

She looked at him for sometime, Wendy didn't want this night to end and she didn't want to go anywhere else.

Spencer looked at his shoes and whispered, "If this is making you uncomfortable, we can totally ditch this night"

Wendy had to knock some sense into him. She nudged him in the side and placed her hands on the railing just like him. Purposefully, brushing her hand against his, she looked at him.

"You need to stop thinking down that track. It's wonderful with you, I couldn't have asked for anything else. Nothing's awkward or uncomfortable for me" She said sounding honest.

"It's just that..." she began glancing back, "it's too loud"

And I couldn't hear your Anglican laughter She bit her tongue at the interupting thought.

Spencer didn't look at her which made Wendy continue, "Spencer, honestly, I'm enjoying this night here with you. It's all I ever wished for.

"You are everything I wished for"

And that's when Spencer looked up and the way he looked at her right in the eye, Wendy melted.

"So stop thinking you've ruined this and just dance with me," Wendy pulled him by the arm, away from the railing. She placed his left hand on her waist and smiled at him.

Spencer chuckled lightly and took lead. Music surrounded them but in soft melodies, showering them with beats. They swayed with arms around each other and eyes fixed.

Spencer had never felt so nervous before but the way reassurance swirled in her eyes he knew, she loved this moment as much as he did.

And then the moment came rolled when the music stopped all of a sudden but their gazes never flickered nor their hands slipped away

"Would it be too soon to say that this date was successful?" Spencer asked biting his bottom lip, a childish grin on his face. Wendy answered that by pulling his collar and capturing his lips.

Spencer was caught by surprise, his eyes wide but when Wendy's arm snaked around his neck, he gave in. He kissed her the way he had wanted to all this time, letting his love for him slip through and shower her in beautiful colours.

Their lips moved to the beat of their hearts and hands battled to pull the other one closer. Only when they heard distant footsteps approaching did the duo tear apart panting. Eyes wide, lips swollen and face blushing red.

They immediately turned to the railing, watching the ground beneath them as they tried steadying their heart. Someone passed by them, chirping and wildly singing a TS song.

"Now it is" Wendy smiled up at him.

"Way to catch a guy off guard, Wendy" said Spencer looking at her with a lopsided smile. He couldn't believe he had just been kissed by the girl of his dreams.

"Just one of my talents,' she whispered, her hair beautifully framed her bright red face. She had never felt this confident before.

"A damn good one," Spencer claimed leaning forward and wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his forehead against her, their breaths mingled.

Wendy let out a breathy chuckle and closed her eyes feeling warm inside. "So, where does this take us now?" she asked.

Her eyes were closed and their breaths were calmer now. Spencer leaned back a bit, observing her soft features.

"As far as I know, you like me and I'm crazy for you so yeah, obviously we belong together" Spencer said taking her hand in his. "What do you think?"

Wendy opened her eyes to find him yet again biting his lip,  waiting for an answer, "You're right, we belong together. So..." Wendy licked her lips gaining some more confidence, "Will you be mine?"

"Always," he smiled.


Oh my God, this was pending since a long -Long- time.

I'm so happy for them :')

Also epilogue coming right up.

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