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9:28 pm

I'm super excited for today



Do you want to tell me something before I finally figure out who you are?

Good luck finding me in a swarm of hundred and twenty kids. -_-

Hey! There's always room for hope.

Tell me, do we have the same calculus class at 11:10?


I'm not telling you.

Oh come on, tell me...


Stubborn. never mind you'll eventually slip the information, I just have to wait.


Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Okay okay I won't try to find you. 

I was just pulling your leg, wanted to see your reaction.


Cheer up now, I'm not going to hunt for you in the hallways.


Don't be upset with me :(

I'm.... just excited at the thought of you being so close to me.

and you're the only one I have to share my excitement with

You're not alone. You have other friends.

I don't think so. 

There's Grace, Ella, Victoria, Ryan to begin the list with.

I guess they were friends with me only because I was dating Emmett.

Can I give you a life time suggestion?


Assumptions can be deadly, so never assume. Find it out and be sure of it.

I'll admit that I miss them but they never attempted to talk to me after.. you know.

I felt so lonely and no one came.

I understand. 

Agreed that they didn't come to console you, but did you go to them?

and don't forget you were MIA for a week after the break up.

So, did you try to talk them?


Admit it.


You get my point, right?


Instead of putting distance of putting distance between us, I shoudve talked to them.

So, today, just do that.

I'm scared.

Of what? They're your friends! 

The same ones with whom you clicked pictures being drunk and posted on instagram.

Oh my god, you've seen those pictures?!

Kill me now.

Oh, no darling. 

I like to be aware of the environment around me.

Even you must've pulled such shit with your friends at some point of time, admit it.

I'm not denying that. :)

We're missing the point here.

You should—infact you must—talk to your friends before its too late.

Or else you'll regret it when we graduate.

okay okay. I will.

Good girl.

There's no need to be scared, just walk right there and smile, things will fall back in place.

Trust me.

You can do it.

I'm right here cheering for you, girl! 

You can do it.

Fuck, I'm so proud of you. 

It's take so much courage to put aside your ego and accept your mistake and takes even greater courage to rectify that mistake.

My respect for you just increased ten fold.

Stop looking around for me! Enjoy your time with your friends now.

Just don't forget me.

No. Never in a million years.

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