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8:26 pm


You alright?

If not send me your address, I'll send you some love.

In what kind?


Oh my God, that's it?!

My brother deserves so much more.

Oh, Sarah.

Come on, chocolates, is that the only thing that came to your mind for cheering up someone?

By the way it's Queen.

I would've sent him tickets to Disneyland but I just realised I'm not that rich.

Bs. Your fathers in military. You must be loaded.

There's a difference. I'm not rich, my father is.


Such ungrateful children these days.

Um, your brother?

He's sleeping right now.

So early?

You got a problem with that?

Atleast he isn't drinking himself to death in a bar across the city like other teenagers.

He is way mature than any of you.

I know.

No,  you don't -_-

What do you do when you're upset with someone, let's say your mother.

I'll probably not talk to her for sometime, might even skip some meals to show my anger.

My brother sleeps.

And that by far is the wisest thing someone can do.

He won't go shouting at people or plot ways to degrade them, he simply sleeps.


Fucking amazing.


No doubt in that.

I think my brother likes you a lot.

Well he wouldn't talk to me if he didn't like me.

No, Sherlock. What I mean is he 'likes' you.

You get it, muggle, or no?


Yeah, yeah, I understand what you're trying to say.

So do you?

Do I what?

Shit glitter?


Like him! (Jeez girl where is your brain? In your knees?)


I don't know... if I like him or not.



calm down.

I'm not going to kidnap your brother and run away, he is all yours.


I know you don't have the guts to kidnap someone. Hahaha

Excuse me?

You're excused.

Now message tomorrow when my brother is in a better mood and if not, try to cheer him up.


Yes, queen.

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[I love Sarah 😂]

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