16 Risks

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Jayda's Pov
I walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw my mum and dad talking. Oh, I'll tell you later. She said quietly to him. He nodded. Hey, Jay what's up? She asked. She is acting weird. I'm just going to get some leftover pizza. I said going around them. Are you sure you wanna do that you're getting kind of fat? She said looking me up and down. Thanks. I said sourly and rolled my eyes.

She whispered something to my dad. Since when did this family become all secrets. I said leaning against the counter. They ignored me. Okay, then I feel welcome here. I said sarcastically and walked out of the room back up to Brendon. That's cool hun. She said not even paying attention to me.

I walked up the stairs back up to my room. Hey, babe that didn't take long, where's your pizza? He asked. Um, I didn't get any. I said and got back on to my bed. Why not? He asked. My mum is being a bitch and called me fat. I said. Your not fat babe, you're just pregnant. He said and held me in his arms.

I know but it hurts when someone you love calls you fat and then not even pay attention to you. I said looking down. I know how that feels babe, just remember that your not and I'll do down there and get you some pizza. He said. You and the baby need to eat. He said and got up. I nodded. Thanks, Brendon. I said and smiled.

He kissed me on the top of my head. I'll be back. He said smiling. I nodded. I laid down till he came back into the room with the pizza. Here you go, darling. He said and handed me the small plate of pizza. He sat down next to me and rubbed my bump lightly. He took one of the pieces of pizza. Hey, that's mine. I said smiling. Would you want it now? He asked and licked it. Babe, we kiss each other and make out I'm not afraid of your saliva. I said and smiled.

He smiled. Dammit, I didn't think of that but, it also doesn't stop Dallon. He said and giggled. I know I tried that with Dallon but he still ate it. I said and giggled. He smiled.  Come here, baby girl. He said with his arms open. I crawled over to him and set my pizza down and crawled into his arms. He smiled and placed his hand on my chest. He smirked. 

Brendon's Pov
Jay soon fell asleep. I rubbed her little belly. She kept shifting around like she was having a bad dream. I wrapped my arms around her and got us so we were under the blankets and snuggled her. She stopped moving around and breathed normally. She put her leg up on my leg and held me tight. Bren? She said quietly. Mm, what is it, Princess? I asked.

I'm afraid. She said. What are you afraid of babe? I asked soothingly. I keep seeing this dark shadow in my dream. She whimpered. I won't let anything hurt you, babe, I promise. I said and kissed her head and held her close to me.

She nodded. Thanks, B. She said quietly. No problem babe. I said. She soon slipped into slumber.

Two weeks later
Aww, Bren, look how cute they are. Jay gushed about a panda on tv. Yeah, babe, it's adorable. I said smiling. She's never like this. Just look at its little feet. She gushed. Yeah, babe, it's adorable. I said and sat down next to her on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her on to my lap and kissed her. You're more adorable than them. I said and kissed her. He smiled and blushed. Aww, you still blush around me. I said smiling. She giggled.

I held her in my arms and rubbed her baby bump. I felt a little kick. Aww, baby, the baby kicked. She said smiling. I know I felt it. I said smiling. She looked up at me and kissed me. Do you wanna go to the mall today? I asked. She smiled and nodded. Okay, let us get dressed. I said and put my hand on her leg and went up. Okay, babe. She said smiling and blushing.

We got ready to go to the mall. She had an oversized sweater on to not show her bump. Then put some black leggings on and her converse. She brushed her hair and I put on my white shirt with my leather jacket and black skinny jeans with my black converse.

Babe what about this? She asked holding up a black lace dress. I think it would look amazing on you babe. I said and looked at her smiling. She smiled. I'm going to go try it on. She said and walked up to one of hot topics workers. The man smiled and took her to the changing room. He unlocked the curtain for her. She smiled and thanked him. I walked over to her and waited outside of the changing room for her to come out. Bren, can you get me a size bigger? She asked. Yeah, babe. I said. She opened the curtain and little and handed me the dress. Thanks, babe. She said smiling. No problem babe. I said.

I went and got another dress and walked back. I saw a man standing by her changing room watching her. She must not have noticed him. I walked up to the room. I cleared my throat. Oh, dude, there's this hot girl in here changing you should look. He whispered to me. Is she brown haired and slim. I said. Yeah, she's got a nice ass too and nice tits, man she looks good in red. He said and looked into the room again. I know, that's my girlfriend. I said. Awe sweet man. He said. Yeah, I know, now stop fucking looking at her changing. I said sternly.

Can I bang her? He asked. No, you can't, I can't even fuck her. I said. Why is she hard to get? He asked. No, she is pregnant. I said crossing my arms. Oh sweet, then you can go without a condom. He said and looked at me smiling then looked back. Stop fucking looking at her. I said sternly. Or what? He asked and got closer to me and in my face. I will beat your fucking ass right here and right now. I said sternly. Whoa whoa whoa Big guy and little dude hold back on the fighting. A black haired man said.

Little dude out. He said to the long blonde hair boy. You win this time asshole. He said and left. Thanks, man. I said to the worker. Yeah, no problem. He said and walked off.

Jayda tried on the dress and bought it. We walked around the mall till a reddish-brown haired man ran up to us yelling her name. Jay! He yelled. KJ! She said surprised. He walked over to her and hugged her. How's life? She asked smiling. Amazing I got a roll in Riverdale. He said smiling. That's amazing. I said smiling. Have you ever seen it? He asked. Yeah, I love that show. She said smiling. You're good at acting. She said smiling. Well, I try. He said and lightly blushed. I cleared my throat. Oh did you meet my boyfriend Brendon? She asked and looked over at me smiling. Wait the Brendon Urie is your boyfriend? He asked smiling. Yeah. She said and blushed.

Nice to meet you KJ. I said and extend my arms for him to shake. He shook my hand. Nice to meet you, Brendon. By the way, I love your music. He said smiling. Well thank you but I would love to talk some more but we gotta go. I said and put my arm around Jay's waist. He smiled. Um, can I get your number so we can meet up for coffee or something? He asked. She smiled and nodded. They exchanged numbers and we were on our way back home.

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