18 Family Drama

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Caution: Chapter talks about Rape some may be sensitive to this,so when you see this "/" It will start to talk about it.
Jay's Pov
2 months later
My baby bump had grown a lot my mom is a little more suspicious of it. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall. I made it into my bedroom. I saw Brendon still asleep. I went to pick out an outfit for the day. I heard Brendon shift around on the bed. I dropped my towel and dried off. Then he woke up. Babe. He said and looked over to my side of the bed. Oh, there you are. He said and sat up in bed staring at me as I put my bra and panties on.

It's not every morning I see my beautiful girlfriend naked. He said and smirked. I giggled. Pervert. I teased and giggled. He chuckled and stared at me as I put the rest of my clothed on. Brendon stop eye-fucking me. I said and blushed. Hmm. He hummed looking at me smirking.

We both made it downstairs. My mum was up. Hey mum. I said and walked passed her. She didn't pay attention to me at all, she just sat there and texted her friend. Brendon kept staring at me. Dallon came downstairs getting ready to go off to get breakfast. He walked my Brendon and stopped. Brendon stop eye-fucking my little baby girl. Dallon muttered. I can't help it that I can't fuck her. He muttered. And she's MY Baby girl. He muttered.Why not daddy. He said in a whisper smirking at the last part. Because she's pregnant, and fuck off Dallon. He whispered.

We all sat down to eat dinner. My mum was busy texting someone and giggling like a little girl when they texted something. He is so funny. She muttered. I knew who it was instantly. My dad just looked over at her and rolled his eyes and continued eating. Brendon cleared his throat and striked up a conversation.

Jayda I have a question and answer it truthfully. She said with her arms crossed. I nodded. Did Brendon fuck you? She asked. Why would you want to know that's my privacy In mine and his lives. I said. Because I want know he is a bad guy Jay and he needs to stay out of your life! She yelled. You know what I'm going to say something you're not going to be happy about, but I'm pregnant with his kid! I yelled. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE I WILL NOT ACCEPT SINNERS IN MY HOUSE! She yelled.
Fine I don't need a Fucking liar that lies to her husband and still talks to her Ex-Boyfriend that has ruined MY life by the way! I yelled. How did your dad Jack ruin your life. She said coldly. He Fucking raped me when I was 10! I yelled. No he didn't he would never do that, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! She yelled. I flipped her off and went to my room. I started to pack everything till Brendon came in and looked confused as fuck.

What are you doing babe? He asked. We're moving out. I said chocking back tears. What happened? He said and put an arm around me holding me close. I-I'll tell you when we get to a hotel. I said starting to cry. I put my hands on my face crying. C'mere babe daddy's got you princess. He said and pulled me into a hug.

I cried into his chest he held me close and rubbed my back. Babe let's finish packing and we'll make it to a hotel and we can have Dallon bring us things if we forget something, I promise everything will be okay. He said pulled away and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

I nodded and helped pack up everything we could fit in our car. We headed our way to the hotel. He held my hand tightly. I love him so much.

We got settled into the hotel. You can talk wherever you are ready. He said and smiled. I nodded. He sat on the bed and pulled me on to his lap. So when I was 10 I had you know started developing earlier than every other girl in my class. I said. He nodded lightly. I had went home from school my mum was working a late shift at her job and Dallon was at his friends house. My "dad" was there alone with me.

He showed affection differently than just a normal friendly hug or a small kiss on the cheek towards me. I was young so I thought it was okay since I saw him and mum do that. I said. Of course. Brendon added and rubbed my leg lightly. I um went up to my room to lay on my bed. He followed me. I said.

He had closed my door to my room and locked it. I said. He walked over to me by my bed and started to touch me. I of course squirmed around not knowing what this feeling he was giving me was. I said holding back tears. Brendon looked at me sorrowful and rubbed my back lightly. You don't have to continue if you don't want to baby. He said quietly. I shook my head lightly.

He started to undress me. I said lightly. He put his thing in me-, and man did it hurt. I said. If you don't mind me asking but, did he you know, put anything on his thing or in you before he started? Brendon asked. I shook my head. I can just feel the same feeling when I talk about it. I said quietly. There was no pleasure or anything it was just dry and rough. I said and looked down.

I looked up and saw him starting to cry. He had told me not to say a word or he'll do it again. I said quietly and a tear fell down my cheek. I am still afraid he'll do it again if i see him again. I said and sobbed lightly. Brendon wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. You D-Did good babe that takes a lot from a woman to speak about to anyone. He said and ran his fingers through my hair lightly. I felt a tear fall on top of my shoulder. I looked up and saw Bren crying. We eventually went to sleep that night.



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