26 Wedding Drama

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Jayda's Pov
Brendon and I got everything ready for the venue. We had his sisters setting everything up. The guys helped out also. Our wedding is tomorrow at 7:00 PM. The girls and I tried our dresses on. Wow Jay you look amazing. Breezy said smiling. Well thanks B, same goes to you. I said smiling. Aw thank thank you Jay. She said smiling. What time is it? I asked her. 5:00. She said.

Okay we need to get ready to go to the dinner. I said smiling. They all nodded. We changed into our dinner dresses. We all got into our cars and soon to the place. We waited outside for the guys. I saw Brendon drive up next to us and park. Hey beautiful. He said smiling and got out and kissed me. Hey you ready to go? I asked and kissed him. Yeah um- never mind. He said and held my hand.

We walked into the restaurant. Dallon and the kids came in. Hey sorry it took so long the traffic was horrible. Dallon said and picked up the kids and sat them in the highchairs. Its fine Dall There were a lot of us. We had his family here and some of my family and our friends.

We all laughed and joked around and had a good time till the person I didn't want to see right now came in. Why is she here? I asked Brendon. He got mad. I don't know sweetheart. He said through gritted teeth. My eyes widened. Why is she here with him instead of my step dad. I froze up.

Hey Jay can we join you. She said and sat down next to Brendon. No we are kind if busy. I said through gritted teeth. Brendon get the kids. I said. He got the kids and sat them between me and him. Oh did you meet him yet? My mom said and pointed to my "dad". Yes mom but I regret every minute of it. I said starting to tear up. Brendon held my hand. Well he wanted to meet your kids. She said. Fuck no he can't I don't want him being a part in there lives. I snapped.

Why not sweety, he is your dad. She said. He is NO father to me, he ruined my life. I said sternly. He nothing wrong. She said. Yes he did, you are so stupid if you don't think rape is a bad thing. I said starting to quiet down. Dallon's eyes widened. He raped you. He said quietly looking at me sympathetically.

I nodded. Jay why didn't you tell me. He said holding my hand lightly. I couldn't. I said starting to cry. Okay I think you need to leave now, we are having OUR family time, you need to leave now. Brendon said sternly. Fine. She said then rubbed Brandon's thigh way too close for comfort. He looked over at me. Mom stop it. I said sternly.

What am I doing wrong? She said smiling. You are touching my fiance's thigh way too close to his dick. I said sternly. She looked down at his lap. Mm well looks like he isn't getting any action in a long time. She said biting her lip. Yes he did just the other night in matter of fact now get your hands off of him. I said Sternly.

Fine. She said and got up and left. Was she really trying to fuck him in front of you. Zach said. Yeah she's like that. I said and picked up Dylan. I sat him on my lap. I bounced him on my leg lightly. Jackson started to cry. Here babe take Dylan. I said and handed him Dylan. He smiled. Hey little dude. He said smiling.

I picked Jackson up. He started to calm down. Hey little guy what's wrong, are you hungry. I said in a baby voice. He grabbed at my shirt. Babe I'll be right back I need to go feed him. I said getting out. He nodded. Okay babe. He said smiling.


We all got back to the hotel. Brendon and I decided to go to bed. He cuddled close to me. I was almost asleep when they both started to cry. I groaned lightly. I sat up. He put his hand on my thigh. I got up. Where are you going babe? He asked tiredly.

The babies are crying, I'll be back. I said quietly. Okay. He said and sat up. I walked into the other room. I picked them both up and carried them back to the bedroom. Brendon looked at me and smiled. You want me to take one? He asked. No they are both hungry so I'm just going to lay down and feed them both. I said quietly.

He smiled. Okay babe. He picked up the blankets and I got under them. He put the blankets over me. I took my shirt off. He helped. I laid on my back and fed them. He helped. We soon got some sleep.

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