21 Family pt1

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December 11
9:55 PM
Jayda's Pov
I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt water. Then I felt pain. I woke Brendon up. Babe baby babe my water broke. I said starting to freak out. What? He said tiredly. My fucking water broke. I said breathing faster. Shit let's go baby. He said jumped out of bed. I got up and he followed. He picked up the bag and we got out to the car with Dallon.

Brendon's Pov
I went and woke Dallon up. He started to freak out. He jumped out of bed and put his pants in quickly and his shirt. We both walked Jay out of the hotel and to the car. I drove quickly but a cop pulled us over.

Shit. I breathed out. He got out and knocked on the window. I rolled it down. Good evening officer what's the problem? I asked trying not to come off rude. Well you were 20 miles over the 50 miles per hour. He said. Well I have a explanation sir my girlfriend here is having our baby and her family has fast labor so I drove fast to get her to the hospital. I said. He nodded. Okay sir do you need a police escort? He asked.

That would be great sir thank you. I said smiling. He nodded follow me. He said and got into his car.

-At The Hospital-

We made it into a room. The doctor came in looked how much she has dilated. She was even dilated yet. She whimpered and held my hand. Fuck babe this hurts so much. She said squeezing my hand tightly. She kept whimpering. She breathed out. Babe I don't know if I can do it, it hurts too much. She said starting to sweat. Well babe that's the contractions,  you'll have those till you are fully dilated. I said. She groaned.

Soon enough she fell asleep. Dallon went and got something to eat and to drink in the vending machines. I got in bed with her and supported her as she slept.

Dallon came back in. She woke up. She started to have another contraction. I held her close and held her hand she breathed heavily. She whimpered and groaned. Fuuuck this fucken hurts. She groaned. It's okay babe everything will be okay you can do this. I said soothingly. She held my hand tightly. Dallon came over and rubbed her back. She soon stopped contracting. Thanks guys. She said and laid back down. No problem baby girl. I said holding her close to me. She smiled.


Hey guys I'm going to go and pick Breezy up really quick I'll be back soon. Dallon said. Okay Dall. She said. Okay. I said. He left and as he did the doctor came in. Hey sorry to bother you but I'm going to have to see how far you have dilated. He said. She nodded.

Well you are only at 1. He said. She nodded. He got up. Then Dallon walked in. Hey sis. He said. The doctor got up and left. He Dall. She said smiling. Babe you can come in. He said to Breezy. She came in and smiled. Hey Jay how you doin? She asked walking over to her.

I'm okay just kind of hungry. She said. She smiled. Do I need to go get you something to eat? She asked. No you don't have to. She said. Okay but tell me if you do. She said smiling and walked down back over to Dallon. Brendon you are so nice and supportive. Dallon said. I'm glad she has you. He said smiling and  wrapping a arm around Breezy's waist.  I smiled. Thanks Dall. I said smiling.


She started having another contraction. I helped her out as she tried not to scream. She breathed heavily and whimpered. You're doing good baby girl. I said rubbing her back lightly and held her hand. The doctor came in again. Is she contracting? He asked Dallon. Yeah I think so. He said. She stopped and laid against my leg and laid her head on my chest. Babe do you want me to put your hair up for you? I asked. She nodded catching her breath. Dall can you grab me a hair thing from that bag? I asked and pointed to her bag. He nodded. And grabbed one out. Here you go. He said. Thanks. I said and tied her hair up. She smiled. Thanks babe. She said smiling. Dallon went out to call my parents and my siblings. And our friends.


Soon everyone had arrived. The guys and my sisters all brought flowers. My parents brought money and some food. The doctor came back in. I'll have to ask you guys to go out so we can check everything and see if she has dilated. He said. The guys left and so did my sisters and brothers.


Everything was good. She is at 3. Everyone came back in. Then her mom and dad came in. She was pissed. Why the fuck are you here? She asked madly. Well we want to see the great arrival of Satan's baby. Her mom said. Well I don't want you here I'm still mad at you for kicking us out, by the way it is not Satan's it is mine and Brendon's babies. She said through gritted teeth. Her mom walked over to her. I protected her. You mean this child molester is having two kids with you. She said sternly.

He is not a child molester he is my boy friend,  just a normal human being, I don't get why you hate him so much. She said. Her mom  rolled her eyes. Then her phone went off. Babe can you get that? She asked me. Yeah. I said reached over to the table and handed it to her. Thanks babe. She said. Your welcome baby girl. I said. She answered it.

Jayda's Pov
I saw it was Emily. I answered it. Hey em what's up? I asked. I just wanted to tell you I'm on my way right now I'll be there in 20. She said. Fucking ass hole. She yelled. What happened Em? I asked. This fucking dumb ass cut me off. She said. Okay but I'll be there soon. She said and hung up.
I'm updating tonight so don't worry.

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