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 ˖*°࿐chapter fourteen

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˖*°chapter fourteen.

LAELIA, MELORA, ALLISTER AND A FEW KHALASAR WALK INTO THE SQUARE FILLED WITH UNSULLIED SOLDIERS AND MASTERS. Her face was an emotionless mask. She wore her blue dress and cloak, one side was thrown over her shoulder, as well as for Melora. Today was the day she was going to free Melora and the slave-soldiers, and none of them knew of her plan. Master Vyleros was talking in High Krefson, Melora translating everything for her.

"The master says they aren't tested, he says you would be wise to blood them early. There are many small cities between here and there, cities ripe for sacking. Should you take captives, the masters will buy the healthy ones and for a good price. And who knows? In ten years, some of the boys may be Unsullied in their turn. As all shall prosper."

They now stand in front of the master, who holds a whip with an eagle carved into the gold hilt, and Laelia turns to walk down the ramp to the cage with sounds of scratching emitting from it. She unties the strings as murmurs start; they see a true Greystone in front of them, yet what will she bring out? And will she do? She opens the cage and steps to the side, showing Aenerys for all the city to see. He screeches and spreads his wings, flapping them to rise into the air. Laelia holds a baton that is attached to a chain that hangs from Aenerys' foot. She walks closer to him, the master, the person who loves to enslave people, the man that is about to die, and is oblivious to it all. All around them were the masters and Unsullied, along with a few people that came to watch. All the masters were going to die. Her arm is moving due to the movement of Aenerys and, with a greedy arm, Vyleros takes the chain. He thrusts the whip towards the princess. She takes it and looks at it with wary eyes. "Is it done then? They belong to me?"

Melora translates. "He says it's done. You hold the whip."

He adds something else but Melora does interperet. He called the Greystone a bitch. She glances at him with a slight glare and begins to walk away from the group, hearing her child's painful shrieks call out to her, to come back to him and save him, but she continues to walk away.

"Dovaogēdys!" She yells out, causing the Unsullied to ready their shields, and Melora stare at her in confusion. Vyleros struggles to steady the dragon. " Naejot memēbātās!" They march forward, footsteps in sync. "Kelītīs!" (Unsullied! Forward march! Halt!)

In High Krefson, Vyleros responds, "Tell the bitch her beast won't come."

"Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor," she turns back to them, a smirk playing on her lips as the master looks at her shocked. (A dragon is not a slave.)

He asks if she speaks Krefson, appalled.

"Nyke Laelia Jelmāzmo hen Greystone Lentrot, hen Krefson Uēpo ānogār iksan. Krefson muño ēngos ñuhys issa," she turns back to the Unsullied soldiers with a snarl. "Dovaogēdys! Āeksia ossēnātās, menti ossēnātās, qilōni pilos lue vale tolvie ossēnātās, yn riñe dōre ōdrikātās. Urnet luo buzdaro tolvio belma pryjātās!" (I am Laelia Stormbourn of House Greystone, of the blood of Old Krefson. Krefson is my mother tongue. Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child. Strike the chains off every slave you see!)

An Unsullied soldier steps out of line to strike his spear through the nearest master they could find, the others soon following. "Nyke aōha āeksio! Ossēnagon zȳhon! Ossēnagon zȳhon! Ossēnagon zȳhon!" (I am your master! Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!)

Laelia turns around with a smirk and says the one command. "Dracarys."

With a horrified look on his face, Vyleros stares into the red eyes of the dragon and that's all he sees before a large flame consumes him, making him drop the chain, and Aenerys escapes. The Unsullied begin to fight back against the other soldiers, those who were trusted enough to guard the masters. Aenerys blows the flags on top of the buildings, creating a large flame behind the lone Greystone.

  ▆▆▆▆ ▆▆▆▆  

SAND AND SMOKE WAS EVERYWHERE, shrouding everything in an unseeable path. Allister walks past the sone figure of Master Vyleros, walking up to the figure of an unmoving Laelia. He opens his mouth to say something but she walks away in silence. The sand was now clearing. Out into the larger courtyard stood more of the Unsullied, all still and silent, like a mourning of a death. Laelia mounts her white mare, thanking the soldier who held it for her. He nodded as a response. Laelia still held the whip.

Letting her horse warm up his legs, she slowly begins to move forward. "Jevo glaesoti rȳ buzdari istiat. Kesy tubi jemot dāervi tepan. Henujagon jaelza lua vala mirre henujagon kostas, se daorys ziry ōdrikilza. Jemot kivio ñuhe tepan. Yne sytivīlībilāt? Hae dāero valoti?" (You have been slaves all your life. Today I give you freedom. Any man who wishes to leave may leave, and no one will harm him. I give you my word. Will you fight for me? As free men?)

They all are quiet.

Laelia stops her horse in anticipation, her eyes darting around in their sockets as she looks upon the thousands of Unsullied. A man begins to tap the butt of his spear against the sandy ground, loud and clear though it was the only one. The man is standing in front of Allister. Many more follow, the sounds of wood against sand filling their ears as one; like a wordless cry of relief that they weren't slaves anymore, a wordless cry towards the Mother of Dragons, their new leader as one with them, not one by itself.

Allister and Kober smirk to each other; Laelia was becoming a queen.

  ▆▆▆▆ ▆▆▆▆  

LAELIA AND HER UNSULLIED WALK OUT OF THE CITY'S GATES, and though their eyes were hard, they were smiling from under their masks. Laelia gives one last look to the whip in her hand before dropping it. All the soldiers behind her stepped on it as if to say that they were free at last.

Thorsten, Lokis, and Aenerys flew above them, Aenerys giving one last cry that the Unsullied took for as a warrior's yell; like a reminder that they were on the correct side of the war.

The rightful queen was going to take back her throne with them alongside her.

khaleesi ― 𝐋. 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐅𝐄𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now