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˖*°࿐ chapter forty-seven

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˖*°࿐ chapter forty-seven.

LAELIA HAD HELPED THOR SAVE EARTH and she felt good about it but seeing her brother-in-law made her heart clench tortuously, however, she made sure no one saw her tears. She and her entourage were sitting in a small boat leading the navy they had gotten, her eyes staring far away, almost seeming as if she was looking through the dense fog and at her homeland. She wore a dark black dress with scales on the edges of the shoulder pads that suck out, her hair thrown into elaborate braids, and two large curls hung from the side. They could now see Dragonstone's large dark castle, looming over them, steep cliffs leading up the side of the island. Her dragons' cries came more often than before, flying faster to their new home. All of her advisors wore dark clothing; not one speck of light blues or whites or any color on them. The castle was bleak but magnificent, the corners of each spire rising into a sloping triangle. 

The dragons sped over the water, Laelia watching them with a flabbergasted expression, seeing them fly over the majestic monstrosity. The boat lands on the sand, all of them jumping out, seeing that the steep cliffs were, in fact, more jagged than it had looked far away. The rocks were a beautiful mix of greys, tan, and some foliage, perhaps it was algae or mold, was stuck into different crevices. Laelia felt the sun on her skin, the seagulls letting out small cries, the wind pulling back her hair. Her cape fluttered behind her as she walked into the shade, leading the small group of men and woman. The heels of her boots dug into the sand, crunching beneath her, the party staying behind as they watched their queen venture through her island. Her ancestor, Cicero the Conqueror, had lived here, and so did her mother, the few short months before she had died in childbirth. Laelia places her hands on her knees, squatting until her left knee touched the ground, and she slowly, but surely, sets her hand on the wet sand. 

She was home. She was really here.

 Her hairpin, which had a dragon's head attached to it, gleamed in the sunlight. When Laelia removed her hand, sand stuck to her skin, her hand leaving an imprint from where it had rested, and she rubbed her fingers across her palms. She slowly raised her silver head, violet-blue eyes taking in her surroundings, and she finally stands up, rubbing away the last of the sand from her hand as she began to walk, the group walking behind her as well. More jagged rocks, this time lower than the cliffs, lined the edge of the beach, but Laelia continues to walk towards them. 

They all walked up the stone steps that led to the large doors, two massive stone dragon heads on either side of the opening, mouth wide open and the teeth were joined together. Laelia rounded the corner, seeing them, and sees the intricate details of their faces; scales and horns with small divots on them ― they looked a bit like her children. Two Unsullied open the doors, showing the long stairs to the castle and the underwings of flying birds, the green grass, Laelia's chest heaving as she looked at her home. She's the first to walk in, taking long gaits, skipping a step as she walked. 

They all walk through the stairs leading to the castle, the massive thing getting closer with each step, the jagged rocks, though dangerous, looking comforting. They step into the cool area of a hallway, no light except for the sun coming in through the gaping entrance, walls made of rocks that had not been smoothed over, some of them holding torches for a light source. When they walk into a room, Laelia sees a flaming heart banner with a stag in the middle of the blood red heart. Laelia tugs the banner down by the orange-colored edge, walking away as soon as she drops it to the ground. The Unsullied open two metal doors to reveal the throne room, the throne consisting of a large rock that had been shaved down in the center for seating, the corners of it sharp, Laelia walking closer, slower than she had before, and the great windows of the room shed light on the thing, almost like a god's chair instead of king's or a queen's. Her eyes wandered around the place, Melora placing a hand on Grey Worm's chest before he went any further than the rest had gone, all of them watching their queen step forward to the throne. 

Scales had been carved into the seat as well. Laelia stopped, looked around the area, scanning every inch of the place as she took deep breaths. Letting her eyes close for a moment, she went back to walking, passing the throne, and making her way through a door none of the others had noticed. Inside was a large map with different carved pieces on it, left where they had been before her brother was murdered. They discussed war plans in here. Her ancestors, her grandparents, her uncles and aunts, her mother and brother.

All of them.

Large chandeliers decorated the ceiling, three walls made of unpaved rock and one was a large window split into three parts, pale blue light sinking into the room. She walked in, seeing the table and chairs that were placed around the corners instead of in the middle, running her hands over the wood as she walked and stared down at it. Wind gusted against the window. The wood looked freshly cut, looking like no one had bothered to sand it down to a uniform shape. A dragon carving decorated the far right wall. Laelia stopped walking, standing at the head of the table and started to watch Arin's fascinated face, who was walking around the right side of the table. He turned in a full circle before his eyes landed on her. She looks away, looking straight away at the wall in front of her. No words were shared, only deep breaths were taken, and the wind that beat against the windows was the only source of sound.

"Shall we begin?"

khaleesi ― 𝐋. 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐅𝐄𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now