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˖*°࿐ chapter forty-two.

LAELIA WATCHED VAES ENOK ON TOP OF A HILL, her hair put into seven braids at the back of her head, wearing a tight-fitting dress with her wedding ring on a string and tied around her neck, looking away from the city as a bird chirped. Darys and Allister stood behind her, watching as she turned around to face them. "I banished you," she walks closer to Allister, "twice. You came back ― twice. And you saved my life. So I can't take you back and I can't send you away." When she steps closer, he steps away from her. Darys stands between them. 

"You must send me away," Allister says. He pulls up his sleeve, showing the greyscale growing on his arm, not yet grey, but it looked like a bad impersonation of dragon scales. It looked like dry, cracked dirt when it hasn't had any water in months. Laelia looks at it in sorrow, "Is there a cure?"

"I don't know," Allister admits, pulling down his sleeve. 

"How long does it take?" She asks in a weak voice.

"I don't know that either. I've seen what happens when it goes far enough. I'll end things before that."


"I'm sorry," she mutters softly. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. All I've ever wanted was to serve you. Arin Leygood was right; I love you," tears form in Laelia's eyes as she stares at him. Only if she hadn't sent him away, he wouldn't have gotten greyscale. It was all her fault. She should've just put him in jail as a sufficient punishment ― now he has a disease that will end his life whenever and they don't know if there's a cure, and if there isn't one, how long will it take to create one before it kills Allister. "I'll always love you," he bows his head. Darts looks down at the sand. "Goodbye, Khaleesi." Allister begins marching to his horse, Laelia's tears stuck in her eyes.

"Do not walk away from your Queen, Allister the Zada," Allister stops walking. Laelia wanders up to him, "You have not been dismissed. You pledged yourself to me. You swore to obey my commands for the rest of your life. Well, I command you to find the cure. Wherever it is in this world, I command you to heal yourself and then return to me. When I take the Seven Kingdoms, I need you by my side," she smiles at him, letting him go. 


ALLISTER WATCHES FROM A DISTANCE THE ENOCHIAN KHALASAR Laelia had managed to scrape up, watching them all pass under the large horses as Laelia's snow white horse led them. Her silver hair stood out against the nude colored area, nodding to each other. 

Allister rides off to find a cure for his Queen.


LARGE GUNS SHOOT AT THE DARK ELVES' SHIPS, large golden beams of light flying past the dark, speeding ships without damaging them. One of the ships strikes down a rifle, Asgardian shuttles flying up to join the fighting. Explosions were made in mid-air, a shuttle exploding as soon as a ship drove through it. They were flying towards the palace, its gold gleaming in the afternoon sun, an Asgardian ship firing at them, but only one was destroyed. Heimdall placed the sword inside of the portal, the gears around him turning, no lightning shooting down like last time. An orb begins to spin, raising a shield, protecting the palace against the invaders. One manages to get through before another explodes on impact, the one behind that one flying away. 

Palace guards were lying on the ground, burned, and Kurse looked back on his work. He walks through the open doors, stepping up to the orb that protected the palace, and slams his fists against it. It erupts, shooting the advanced Dark Elf down, and the shield starts to come down. One of the ships makes it past the shield and turns sideways, striking down large posts as it parks, sliding across the one-clean floors. In the dungeons, rocks fall from the ceiling, Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three looking up at the baldachin. 


MALEKITH WALKS INTO THE ROOM FRIGGA AND JANE WERE IN, the mortal running beside the Queen and Frigga looks at her. "Stand down, creature, and you may still survive this," Frigga walks around the bath, Malekith doing the same. Frigga held a sword in her hand, reminding her of all the time she had taught Loki to fight and to use his powers. 

"I have survived worse, woman."

"Who are you?"

"I am Malekith, and I would have what is mine."

Frigga looks at Jane, who cowered against a beam, running towards another. Frigga took this time to slice Malekith's cheek open, deflecting his attacks with her sword; it grew blue each time she swung it. Frigga spun, blocked, and wielded her sword ― along with her body ― and she managed to cut Malekith again. Her sword was now at his neck, holding him against a table, their eyes glaring into the other's, heavy footsteps behind them. Kurse grabbed Frigga by her throat, lifting her up into the air, Malekith walking closer to Jane while Frigga watched. "You have taken something, child," he said in his deep voice. "Give it back." 

Jane stared him down, afraid, but she kept herself pressed against a beam. The eerie silver-blue of his eyes seemed to feel as if it looked deep into the mortal's soul, and when Malekith raises his hand to grab her, she disappears in a flash of green. The Dark Elf turns to Frigga, "Witch!" She smiles triumphantly. "Where is the Aether?" 

"I'll never tell you," Frigga tells him defiantly.

"I believe you," a sword is plunged into Frigga's ribcage, the queen giving a small scream of pain, and she slumps to the floor. 

A yell rips out of Thor's throat, Malekith turning to see lightning strike down on his right pale cheek, throwing him down onto the stairs that led to the balcony, Thor throwing his hammer ― which was strung with lightning ― as Kurse jumped off the terrace with his leader. One of the ships caught them and flew them towards the mother ship, Thor throwing his hammer again. It disappears before his hammer could reach it. Odin walks into the room with his spear drawn, Thor turned to look at his father, catching his flying weapon. Odin has tears in his eye, seeing the dead body of his wife laying on the floor. He walks closer, Jane running into the room, but still being outside the door. Odin cradled his wife, rubbing her cheek softly as he looked at the floor beneath her. Thor stared down at his mother, plotting his revenge.

He was going to get revenge on them for what they did.

khaleesi ― 𝐋. 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐅𝐄𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now