Chapter 4 - Summer Time Part 2 - Awake

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Cameron's  POV


The summer was coming to an end, and school was right around the corner. I decided to head to the mall to kill some time and maybe grab some lunch. My dad was with his new "girlfriend," and I couldn't help but feel suspicious about her. She seemed to have her eyes on my dad's money, and it bothered me. My mom had passed away three years ago, and it felt like this woman was taking advantage of that.

I was walking out of a store, just having bought some new Nikes when I saw her—Eva Carson.

She looked different but in a good way. Her hair had grown longer, and she had some blonde highlights. She even seemed a bit taller. Having grown up with her and been best friends, I had memorized every detail of her. I noticed the little things, like the flowers painted on her nails and the way she'd tuck her hair behind her ear, which was incredibly cute.

She was so beautiful.

We had grown up together and been inseparable, but as middle school came around, we started drifting apart. It happened slowly at first, then all at once. We stopped talking, and I missed her.

I felt guilty about not reaching out to her after her parents' tragedy. Her parents had been like family to me too, and I wanted to comfort her. But I was scared, scared that she'd push me away and blame our growing apart solely on me.

I noticed that she was staring at me, and it felt like my face was on fire. Was I blushing?!?

Summoning some courage, I walked up to her.

"Hey-y Eva," I said, rubbing my neck nervously.

She looked at me, and a calm settled over me. The hardest part was over.

"Hey, Cameron! How was your summer?" she asked.

"My summer was good. Hey, I just wanted to give you my condolences... you know, with your parents," I said, hoping I didn't sound too awkward.

She smiled. "Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Hey, don't be a stranger this year. Let's hang out sometime," I suggested.

"Yeah, totally. Maybe Monday after school? We could get coffee or something?"

"I would like that," I replied, my smile growing bigger. We had plans, and I couldn't help but feel happy.

"I'll see you Monday, Eva."

As I walked away, I let out a huge sigh of relief. I had always been nervous about talking to her again, but as soon as we did, all the negative feelings disappeared. The Eva I once knew, and the Eva I was still head over heels for, was still there, waiting for me all these years.

Monday couldn't come fast enough.


Hey guys!


Y'all are incredible.

Soooo what did you think of this chapter? I really liked it. I wanted to dive in a bit deeper with Cameron and show his POV from his interaction with Eva and introduce some of this character's details that will be important later on.

Thanks for reading!!


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