Chapter 2 - The Fall

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What if?

Sometimes, "what ifs" are just hypothetical scenarios, things we ponder without ever expecting them to come true. But in my case, that "what if" turned into a devastating reality.

As the doctor continued speaking, my attention dwindled until her words cut through the haze: "Your parents didn't make it."

At that moment, I felt the very essence of life slipping away, leaving me cold and empty.

"Ms. Carson?"

I was jolted back to reality. "Oh, sorry... I, um, zoned out, I guess."

"It's okay. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now," she said, her expression filled with empathy.

"They're my best friends," I added, explaining that Bea and Ciara were waiting outside.

Dr. Lakewood left the room briefly to speak with my friends. Their faces, when she shared the news, mirrored the shock and grief I felt. We had always been incredibly close, practically inseparable since the age of five.

Once the doctor finished, Bea and Ciara joined me in the room. They didn't say much, just sat there, as though waiting for my tears to start flowing. But I didn't cry; I felt nothing but numbness, a profound emptiness.

After signing some papers, we left the hospital. I couldn't bear to return to my empty house, and my friends wouldn't let me be alone at that moment.

We dropped off Bea and headed to Ciara's place. During the car ride, I remained silent, unable to find words to express the turmoil within me.

Ciara provided me with clothes and I took a shower. That's when it happened—a tidal wave of emotions hit me. I began to cry uncontrollably, sitting on the shower floor. Ciara rushed in, turned off the water, handed me a towel, and held me close. She didn't let go until my sobs subsided.

Once I'd composed myself, I got dressed and returned to Ciara's room. My friends had ordered pizza and queued up "Mean Girls" on Netflix. It was a night of movies, junk food, and a deliberate avoidance of the subject of my parents. Ciara understood that discussing it would be difficult, and I appreciated her sensitivity.

My parents were remarkable people. My dad, Jack, worked as a criminal justice lawyer, and my mom, Elisa, was a middle school teacher. They were loving, supportive, and always there for me. I couldn't have asked for better parents, and I realized how fortunate I'd been.

As I lay on the couch watching the ceiling fan spin, I pondered my life and the choices that led me to this moment. What if I had done things differently? Would my parents still be alive? Would I be alone now?

The next morning, Ciara drove me back home. Waiting for me was my Aunt Carol, who had heard about my parents and wanted to help. I hadn't been particularly close to my extended family, but given the circumstances, I welcomed any assistance.

"Eva dear!"

"Hi, Aunt Carol."

"Sweetheart, how are you holding up?" She embraced me warmly.

"I'm not sure, to be honest."

"That's okay, dear. I'm here to help sort out your parents' affairs and get you settled."

At 18, I was legally an adult and capable of living on my own. That was precisely what I intended to do. My parents had raised me to be independent, and although the prospect of living alone was intimidating, I wanted to make them proud.

Aunt Carol and I met with a lawyer to go over my parents' will. We discussed their wishes for their funeral and the distribution of their belongings.

"Okay, and you are Eva Carson, correct?" the lawyer asked, reviewing his notes.

"Yes, that's me."

"Well, your parents left you everything, including their $3 million."

I nearly choked on the water I was drinking. "What?! How... How did they have that much? They always told me we didn't have much money."

"Well, Ms. Carson, it seems they wanted to provide you with a comfortable life and ensure you never had to worry."

I sat there, in complete shock. My parents had $3 million and had left it all to me?!


Hey, guys, the Second chapter is done.

if you have any suggestions for storyline/characters let me know!

Thanks for reading


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