Chapter 4.

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🌸 Riya 🌸

"Omg!!!! Why dad is doing this with me", i was very upset and tensed after my little conversation with dad.

I don't want to get married right now. I am just 24. I have dreams, i have so many things to do right now. There's no way i am going get married right now. I must plan something to get out of this situation.

Next day

I again woke up at 7 am. It's Sunday today. For most of the people Sunday is their funday; but i love to spend my Sunday at my pet shelter.

I started this mission. We provide free medi-care services to stray animals and birds. Those poor pet maybe don't speak; but they feel pain too. At very young age i wanted a puppy. But mom never allowed me to have one. Now, i devoted my Sundays to stray dogs and cats, who mercilessly got injured by vehicles, kids and starve to death.

I quickly did my morning business; had my breakfast and drove to my pet shelter. Already volunteering members were present their.

We covered our face and hands with masks and rubbers glubs. We collected vaccine and medicine and other equipment. And started our work of finding stray animals, who stay on the road side of streets.

We saved a muma doggie, who gave birth to five cute puppies. Who are 20 days old now. They are so cute. We vaccinated every puppy and provided them food.

But those puppy are not ready to leave me. So as me. I had a great time playing with them. I always carry a packet of biscuit with me.

I removed my mask. And these tiny puppies licked my face. I don't care anymore about hygiene. I feed them those biscuit; but i felt a weird feeling of being watched by someone.

I look around myself. There was no one. Just few cars on the road struck in traffic. I saw a car just in front of me with tainted glasses.

"I think i am assuming things in my head, i should stop watching  horror movies", i thought to myself and continued feeding them.

After a while that car was gone; no where of my site. I bid good bye to puppies and headed to home.

🔫 Edgar 🔫

* In India *

"We are here finally, after 11 hours flight", Jimmy said, he is always afraid of flying and he always got a jet lag; i.e he always avoid flying.

"Comeon don't whimper like a girl", Ivan teased him.

"WHAT ", Jimmy said. "Am I whimper like a girl; you know i hate flying ", Jimmy answered.

"You two don't pick up a fight again", Victor told them. He's my third commander.

"Welcome, welcome my friend",  Dante approached me. And bowed in front of me. This is our mafia code, of showing respect. He's my man who controls all works in India.

"Nice to seeing you again Mr. Romonove", he said and open backseat car door for me.

"I will be driving you today, while our friends is on other car", he said and closed the door. And hoped on driver's seat.

"Any idea, what Yazreen Khan is planning", i asked him; because i don't believe any one. Only for one deal he called me in India. This sounds fishy.

"I don't have any idea, Sir. But i must warn you for any unseen threat. It will took time for us to spill information from there man's", Dante said.

"How much time? ", I asked.

" By tonight you will", Dante assured me.

Then suddenly he hit brakes so hard, it almost jerked me.

"What happened?", i asked.

"As usual, Mumbai traffic Jam, don't worry it will open up in a while", he said.

I was just staring out of my window, when i something, which took my whole attention. I saw a masked girl was playing with puppies.

She seems like, she was enjoying with them. Her raven black hair caressing down to her tail bone.

I wished to saw her face. And my wish was granted, she removed her mask, and now i can see her face clearly.

She is so beautiful, her light brown eyes, pale white skin and pink plumb lips. She's angelic beautiful.

For some weird reason, she calmed my sense. I can watch her forever like this. Suddenly she also sensed that she is being watched. She turned her head to my direction.

For a second, i got conscious, if she saw me. But she can't, because of this tainted glasses. For a moment, i forget that i am mafia.

"Focus Edgar, focus", i took a deep breath and Dante started driving car to hotel.

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