Chapter 42.

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This chapter is dedicated to


Thanks a lot guys, for voting on my story 😊😊


🌸 Riya 🌸

A day, i survived with so many things happened in one day. I got kidnapped, then my kidnapper turned out to be same person from whom i was running, and my boss he also turned out to be a former mafia boss.

I seriously don't have any idea how i survived today. A glance at Pooja who was putting Jason and Elena in their crib. This is the only part which i don't regret, Meeting Pooja, Elena and sleepy Jason. Put yum yum food, cause from past one week i was eatting canned and fast food only.

After we put Jason and elena to sleep, Pooja showed me my room. She almost begged me to stay in her mansion for night. But Edgar was no less. He threatened me he will tied me to bed if i dare to leave mansion in middle of night. So, i guess i have no way to escape, i have to spend my night here.

She showed me my room, and gave her clothes to me. That fitted well. I took a long hot shower and changed into Pooja's clothes. After that me,Pooja and Samantha had our girls night. Just a normal chit-chat time.

I got to know a fascination story about how Dom and Pooja met? How Sam and Pooja met? And almost every incident amazed me so much.

But what put me into haze when Sam out of blue asked me, how did i met Edgar? And why he kidnapped me? I can answer her first question, but i doubt the reason for her second question.

"Did Edgar come all this way for me?"

"Ofcourse he does stupid, if it wouldn't for that then why he will kidnap you", my subconscious yelled.

"But if he's here for me. Then he'll never allow me let go"

"Riya, back to earth. What you are thinking", Pooja snapped me and brought me back into reality.

"Oh!! Did our Riya was thinking about Edgar", Sam teased me.

"Shut up! Sam", Pooja playfully hit her arm.

"Hey, no violence. You can ask her by yourself. Tell me Riya, isn't that true what i was saying?", Sam again teased me with her brows high.

I can feel heat rushed to my cheeks.

"Aww!! Look Riya is blushing. See see ", Sam mocked Pooja, who was staring at me amusement in her eyes.

"If i were at your place Riya, then i would have tied Edgar to my bed post and never let him go", this girl have fantasies about Edgar.

"Sam", Pooja warned her.

"Bless you"

"Yea! Whatever. So Riya do you like him?", Sam again asked out of blue.

"This is question which i always fear to ask even myself. Do i?"

"Sam, go to your room right now. It's your graduation day tommorow. I don't want you get late on such important day", Pooja shooed Sam.

"Yea yea!!! I am going. By the way Riya. If you want some tips, how to seduce a man come me. I can help you with that, and can bring colour in your romance life", She winked and left.

"What she thought of me?"

"Ahh... Riya don't mind her. She's joking. She loves doing that", Pooja gave me an apologetic smile. And i nodded.

"Riya, Dom told me everything what happened between you and Edgar. How he tried to ruin your wedding and run away from him? Can i ask Riya why you run away?", Pooja asked me. She is simple girl and i am sure i won't regret telling her my reason.

"My dad", i said.

"Your dad", she questioned.

"Yes, i run away cause i know Edgar will do anything from his power to stop this wedding. And i also know my dad just want to save me from Edgar. He knew about Edgar being head of Mafia Organisation", i told her.

"So, this is the reason, you don't want to give Edgar a chance?", She asked.

"If Edgar would a normal guy, then i am sure my dad wouldn't have any problem with that. He just don't want me of getting hurt. And giving Edgar a chance, means turning my back on my family. Which i can never do that. They play a major role in my life, i just want to see them happy. I can't hurt them", i told.

"I spoke, i actually spoke the truth. Omg!! I am so stupid. Now what will Pooja think of me. She'll judge me that i am coward"

I hung my head low not wanting to look in her eyes. I can't.

Then suddenly a hand gently gripped my chin and forced me to look up.

"Riya. Don't hung you head low. I completely understand your reason", Pooja said gently and with concern in her eyes.

"But i also want you to be honest with yourself. I know you don't want that. Don't you? Just be honest with yourself, i am sure your parents will understand it. I am not saying go against them, but i am also saying don't let anyone, anyone control your life, even your parents. Imagine a situation where you took a decision in your life according to the wishes of your parents, but you yourself is not happy with it. Your parents will be happy for a while, but eventually they will the one who will hurt the most in the end. Think about it Riya. And be true to yourself ", Pooja patted me head.

"It's time for my leave. Good night. I will see you in morning", Pooja walked and closed the door behind her.

"Be true with yourself Riya"


Authors Note :-

Guys i am so disappointed 😔😔
Why you people don't vote? Aren't you liking my story. Is it that bad?

I am receiving 1000+ views on my story per day, but only 1 or 2 people vote.

I am completely drained. I lost my enthusiasm to write.

Only you people can inspire me. And you know how.

So, until next time

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