Chapter 11.

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🌸 Riya 🌸

"Ahh!!!!..... what is this sensation in my hand. Am i ill? Or maybe Mr. Romanov have some kind of disease which flows through his hand and enters in me", wide eyes for a while.

"I think you should really stop watching and playing weird tv shows and video game", my subconscious suggested me.

"Well, this man is really weird for just one stupid business meeting, he sealed my company. Crack headed", i straightly went to my house since i don't have any work to do.

20 mins later....

"Mom, i am back", i announced my entry before entering in house.

"No answer"

"Mom, where are you?", i asked again.

"Hmm... maybe she went to market; but then why door ain't locked"

Rumbling sounds....

"Ahh... intruder. Oh no!!!"

Again Rumbling sounds......

"Definitely an intruder has burged into house"

Then someone grabbed me from waist, my foots are in air now and I starts spinning.



"Chill chill it me. Rohan", he put me back on my feet.

"Rohan......", i hit him hard on his head.

"You scared me to death", i yelled at him. And he in groaned in pain.

"Aww.... i am sorry, am sorry, but don't hit me again", he sincerely apologise.

"Now give me a hug; won't you greet your old friend", he said and made a cute innocent face.

"Aww... so cute, my sweet bestfriend", he hugged me and i hugged him back.

There's nothing a best feeling like hugging your old and best friend. Infact we are meeting after 5 years. Nothing has changed between us.

"You came back. Why didn't you informed me. I could have picked you from airport", i asked him.

"Well if did it so; i won't be able to surprise you, plus i even scared you which i missed doing the most", he pinched my nose.

"Oh my god!! Look at you Riya. I could have been made you my girlfriend, if i knew that you will become that smokin hot back then", he complimented.

Now my cheeks reddened up. He didn't knew that i have also crush on him back then.

I giggled at his complement.

"Well, but i won't be accepting you as my boyfriend. Look at you. Your style sense i so gross....", well i must tell you. He's a heart breaker darling. Just like Edgar.

"Wait a minute, where did that Edgar come from"

"Comeon, so tell me why you have came to India?", i asked.

"Are you serious Riya. Didn't uncle told you about our marriage proposal", he remained me.

"Ohh hell!!! How can i forgot such important thing? Oh no!!!"

"Look Rohan, i know.....", i was cut in mid by dad's voice.

"Rohan beta", we both turned to dad's voice direction.

"Oh you are here", dad said.

"Namaste uncle (Hello uncle)", Rohan greeted dad and touched dad's feet.

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