Chapter 25.

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Shraddha kapoor as Myrah Khalil

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Shraddha kapoor as Myrah Khalil.

Shraddha kapoor as Myrah Khalil

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Arun Vijay as Yusuf Yazreen Khan

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Arun Vijay as Yusuf Yazreen Khan.

🕵Third person POV🕵.

Rohan's mom and dad were arrived at Riya's place. Both of their parents were celebrating the joy of becoming ones relatives rather than just friends.

Wedding dates are decided. After two days from the day is fixed.

*Mobile Phone rings*

Spy - hello, boss.

Edgar - What happened?

Spy - A small get-together has been taken place at Riya ma'am house.

Edgar - Then what?

Spy - Sir, they were discussing something about wedding.

Edgar - Wedding? Whose wedding.

Impatient Edgar yelled from other side.

Spy - Si...Sir... Riya's ma'am wedding, with....within two day with her best friend Ro... Rohan Khandelwal.

Sweat breds formed at the forehead of spy while informing Edgar about the wedding. He's really unsure about Edgar's reaction.

Edgar - chuckles... that's good.

Relief and curiosity suddenly washed over spy.

Spy - What sir?

Edgar - Keep your eyes on them. I want to know each and everything that is going on in her house.

Spy - Fairly well sir.

*Mobile disconnected*

Edgar layed his head back on his chair, while slightly chuckling on the thought of wedding. His wedding.

"There will be definitely a wedding. But not that brat and Riya. It's mine wedding with my sweet Riya"

Myrah ☘

"What is going on? Why you held me captive here", i angrily spat on a man who kidnapped me from my wedding and then held me captive in a most luxurious pent house. Although i don't feel like that i am being kidnap, but they keep me here like a prisoner and i want freedom.

"Keep your attitude in your pocket Missy. I don't think so our boss will like it. So, be quiet and enjoy all amenities", that man spoke.

"Not before you answer my questions. You don't know my father and brother. They can even kill you with a snap of their fingure", i tried to threatened them, but i also don't know whether they are looking for me or not. I really didn't wanted this wedding, but i also couldn't believe this all such events happened.

"Oh! Which father and brother are you talking about. The same father and brother from beneath their noses we kidnapped you", that man said again.

"You are impossible. Get me out of here. GET ME OUT OF HERE. LET ME GO", i shouted on the top my lungs.

"What is going on here?", an authoritative voice echoed in my room. Both me and that man snapped our heads in the direction of voice. That man posture has completely changed from irratating to sincere one.

"Boss, she wants to get out of here. She never keeps her mouth shut....", i cut him in mid.

"Hey you let me go, did you understand that. You didn't know who i am?", i threatened, although i am nothing, but sometimes after know my surname people usually back off.

"Oh! You will. Very soon i will let you go. Just wait for two days and then you are free to go", that authoritative voice said again. And this time i noticed him, he is a well defined armani suit which is tightly fitted showing his torsos.


"Thank you Miss for your complement", that mashallah man said and chuckled.

"Did i said it out loud?", i questioned myself.

"Yes Miss you did. By the way i am Edgar Romanov", he told me his name. His name is as sexy as him.

"But his isn't my type. I wish i could go back to Rohan again"

"You will definitely see him again Miss. And very soon", Edgar said. Shock is the thing written all over my face.

"Are you reading my mind?", i asked him.

"Sort of. I am here to help you Miss?", Edgar said.

"What kind of help?", i questioned.

"Helping two love birds to get together", he said.

"What? Is he really?"

"You are joking right. So, you are saying you didn't kidnapped me for my father rivalry or something. You kidnapped me, to he get back to my Rohan again", i chuckled.

"Yes, you got it correctly. Infact i am not helping you. But i am helping myself. See you after two day", after saying that Edgar left.

"What kind of joke was that"


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