Chapter 44.

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This chapter is dedicated to


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🌸 Riya 🌸

"", i asked with my raised bows.

"Yes... yes cup cake you hear me right. You are coming with me..", before he could complete his sentence, i yelled at him.


"Excuse me", Edgar said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, you heard me right, i said no. There's no way i am coming with you", i answered him and started walking away.

"No way, i won't go with him. What he thinks of himself"

I was walking away from him, when one large hand covered my mouth, stopping my step.

"You have no option, cup cake. Last time i let you slip. Not this time, you are coming with me whether you like it or not", he whispered near my ears, so close to me that i can feel his warn breath around my neck.

I tried to removed his large palm over my mouth with my both hands. But he is so strong, not even bulge.

"Emmm... emmm..."

"No, no cup cake don't do that, only  you will get hurt by it", he warned me.

"Now look at this", he showed me something that my mind is dumbstruck.

"A syringe"

"", i shaked my head vigorously and look at Edgar with pleading eyes.

"Please please don't"

"I am sorry cup cake, but i have to. I don't want to lose you again. So, security concern so you won't runaway again. Plus, i wany my ride peaceful, not your shriek and banging on door", and he injected me a honey liquid.


My head is spinning and pounding, my neck is sore and then blackout. But before i could kiss the ground, someone grabbed me.

"Sleep tight, cup cake", was the only thing i heard.

🤓 Writer's POV  🤓

Edgar gently picked Riya in a bridal style and walked into the mansion back.

"Ivan, Jimmy, Victor get our ride ready. We are moving", he yelled at his men, and they immediately followed his orders.

They all bid theirs goodbye to Dom and his men, sat in their car and drove to their private jet airport. For the whole drive he keep on staring at Riya like if he blink she'll flew away in thin air. He never wanted to do this, but he has to. He can't Riya flew away again. They reached at airport, and flew away to Russia. In the whole ride, Riya is still passed out because that liquid is strong fluid can make any person pass out for 13 to 14 hours. And for the whole ride, Edgar keep carried Riya in bridal style. For him she is light as feather. 

* At Edgar Mansion *

"Why isn't she woke up till now", impatient Edgar yelled at his men.

"Geez, you are one who gave her dose, then why you are yelling on us", one of his man objected. Edgar slumped down on a huge couch and pulled his hair in frustration. It's been 14 hours, and Riya is still passed out. Now he is worried sick, if he had mistakenly over dose her drug.

"Chill dude, she will wake up in a while. No need to worry", Ivan said and moved closer to Riya, who was laying over a couch. Ivan watch her closely, waiting for any sign of her waking up. Now, his face was on symmetrical distance with Riya's face.

He was staring at her, when Riya eyes flustered open. Seeing Ivan so close to her, so close. She misunderstood his action. And every action has an equal and opposite reaction. She didn't even gave poor Ivan a chance when her fist connected with his jaw and he fall on the ground with a thud.

Ivan groned in hand and held his jaw. Riya change her position from laying to standing one.

"What are you doing crazy lady", Ivan yelled at her.

"What? What am i doing, you are the one who tried to take my advantage when i was passed out", Riya charged to Ivan again, when two arms wrapped her waist from her back. She jumped with the sudden interaction.

"Chill woman, he wasn't doing any such thing", Riya immediately recognised his voice.

"You woke up, i was worried sick, i thought i have over dose the drug", Edgar confess honestly, and all the past event rushed into Riya mind, that how Edgar knocked her out.

Riya forcefully removed Edgar hands from her waist and faced him, with heated anger in her eyes.
Then, she smiled at him, Edgar was confused at first, but smiled back to his Riya.

But her smiling face is always a sarcasm. She moved closer to Edgar. And Edgar felt a sharp string over his face. Riya slapped him. Edgar can hear audible grasp sound came out from his men mouth.

It took him whole 45 seconds of what just happened. Riya slapped him. He held his face and gave a confused and angry look to her.

"This is for kidnapping me, how dare you, what you think of yourself. Are you king of this world, who can have anyone or anything whatever he wants, huh? Look Mr. Romanov, release me immediately otherwise, you will regret every single second of having me here", Riya poke his chest with her figure and threatened  Edgar.

Edgar just smirk at her statement. Riya stared at him with narrowed eyes.

"What? What's with the smirk? I am serious Edgar, leav....", she yelled at him. But Edgar placed his lips over her. This time Riya is beyond shock. Edgar also stealed her second kiss. But this kiss is only for shut her up, but Edgar cannot help. He can't get enough of her, never. He took the advantage of her half open mouth, when his shoved his tongue into her, assulating each and every corner of her mouth. Riya tried to push his away, but Edgar held her wrists with both of his hand and moved them at her back. Not giving any single chance for her escape.

Edgar pulled apart from her, when they both are out of breath.

"You kiss like a dog", Edgar complement Riya.

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