Chapter 5.

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🔫 Edgar 🔫

"So, will you speak or i will make you silent forever", i threatened a guy, who is tied up to a chair.

"Yes.... i will, i will, please don't hurt me. Yazreen is planning your murder in meeting tonight, please sir, please leave me", that man begged for mercy in front of me.

"That is, i knew from beginning that something fishy is going on. Well if Yazreen wants to play. Then let me make him taste his own medicine"

"Today is somebody gonna die. But not me, today is last day of Yazreen life", i announced.

"Fairly well, sire", my every man bowed in front of me.

"Ivan, Jimmy and Victor. Let's work on it. Get out man ready!!!!", i ordered.

"Tonight is going to be a long night"

Standing in front of mirror. I wore my black suit. But, i don't know why my heart is missing her. Yes! Whenever i close my eyes i saw her smiling face.

"What the hell is happening"

I opened a bottle of scotch and gulp half of amount of liquid.

"Focus Edgar, focus. Tonight you have to finish your enemies", with that determination, i once again checked myself in mirror and moved to Yazreen Khan place.

* At Yazreen Khan's Place *

"Welcome, welcome. The Mighty King of Mafia, Mr. Romanov, to my land", Yazreen said those word's and bowed in front of me.

"It's so nice to meet to again....", i cut him in mid.

"Cut the crap Yazreen. Why didn't you came and picked me?", i asked him with stern voice.

His expression changed to tensed one, but he masked them.

"Sire, i was busy for your welcome preparation", he excused.

"More like preparation of my murder"

"Please come inside, sire", with that he opened a huge gate of meeting room.

It a huge room, with a circular mahagony desk in mid of the room and chairs besides them.

"Mr. Romanov, meet my son Yusuf Khan, the next hire of this legacy. Very soon he's going to be the new underworld Don of Mumbai Mafia", he introduced me to his son. Who's around the age of my age 27 or 28.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Romanov. I heard a lot about of you, that you killed your dad", he said and smirk at the last part.

"That boy is inviting his death. So, i will grant it"

"Oh! Son, don't say such things at this pleasant meeting. Come Mr. Romanov", he extended his hands and i sat on my chair.

After 20 min

"That's not the deal which we talked about", i said.

"But it will benefit both of us", Yazreen replied.

"In my business we don't kill innocent people. It's not gonna happen", i got up from my chair.

"If you are not agreeing on our terms then you shouldn't be living Mr. Romanov", Yazreen and all his man placed their guns over me.

"So, snake is now out of it bill"

1.... 2..... 3.....

And all his man were lying flat on the ground. Ivan, Jimmy and Victor has placed snipers on this building to protect me.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk Yazreen you shouldn't have done such thing. People call me king for a reason Yazreen. So what should i do with you now", i placed my gun over his forehead.

"Please, sire don't kill me. I am sorry. I will do anything what you want, please.......", before he could complete his words.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't need you Yazreen", I killed Yazreen, now all his legacy belong to me. This is the rule of our underworld.

But then his son got up and push an emergency button of some sort of secret door, i shot few bullet at him, but he dodged. And door is closed now. He ran away.

"Coward", i cursed him.

"What happened?", Ivan asked.

"His son, he's injured. He ran away. Catch him. I want him dead or alive. Leaving him like that would only create troubles for me", i ordered Ivan.

"I will take care of that", Ivan and Victor chased Yusuf.

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