Chapter 54.

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3rd person pov

Riya and Edgar immediately drove their jeep. Edgar sat on driver seat, Riya sat on passenger seat and threw their leader on back seat. Riya held her gun on their attackers leader’s temple while glaring at him.

“ Who the hell are you?”, Riya spoke. She’s just curious. That bulky person was really easily to tackle down. Maybe he wasn't trained well enough or he just get his things done with his minions.

“ I am sorry, i am sorry. Please don't kill me”, he raised his hands in surrender begging to Riya not to kill him.

Riya laughed at him. “ You know a while ago you called me whore, now you are begging for mercy, tell me if i were at you place, would you have showed mercy while raping me, huh? Tell me”, Riya yelled.
That man shaked his head in No.

“ Ahh! Then you know my answer as well”, Riya replied.

Gun shots....

“ Riya dip”, Edgar forcefully held Riya neck and bent it. They both escape gun shots. Riya turned her head, then she saw five jeeps where following them.

“ you”, she pointed at their leader. “ Looks like you are no longer important for them”, she yelled at him. “No no please”, he spoke.

“ Cowards. Then you are also no use for me”, then she hit him hard with the back of her gun on his head, completely knocking him out.

“ what are we going to do now”, Riya spoke. 

“ We have to exchange seats”, Edgar spoke. “ Hand me you gun”, Riya did as Edgar spoke, Riya controlled steering wheel, while Edgar open sunroof of car, dogged their shots while shooting at them.

“ Edgar don’t let them shot at tyres”, Riya advised, while she sped up car at 150 kmpl. Edgar hummed in response. He just want to distract them, so they could get enough time in escaping from a different route.

“ Riya i want you to turn left after 5 miles”, Riya did as she was told, but to her surprise. Their enemies jeeps were already they blocking their path. She hit brake pedal hard and turned their vehicle at 180 degree, she started driving at opposite direction, when she heard gun shots, she lost control and their vehicle collided.  Edgar hit his head hard, when Riya hit brake, but when their car collided, she pushed Edgar and took hard blow for herself. Red and black was the only thing she remembered when she slipped into darkness.

It was a complete shock to Edgar what happened in mere second, Riya was laying in pool of her blood with broken pieces of windshield. He clawed to her.

“ Riya, Riya. Open your eyes Riya”, he slapped her multiple times to wake her up. But Riya didn't moved. Past fear clouded Edgar’s mind, no no this can’t happen.

“ Riya, please open your eyes”, by the time he was crying hysterically. But he was forcefully yanked from Riya body. Few men grabbed him and yanked him off from the car. They held him from his arms and constantly threw blows at him. They continued  assaulted him, but Edgar felt no pain, his mind is only on the girl, who is laying in her own blooded pool.

“ Tsk, tsk. Is this is the Mighty Russian Mafia King. Look at you so pathetic”, A man walked near him, wearing expensive  Armani suit,  which he realised he is Thompson, 2 weeks ago Edgar had blown off his warehouse with his 30 men.

“ I never thought it is so easy to take you down”, Thompson spoke.

“ Run”, Edgar spoke, while looking at ground. Thompson men hit him hard and knelt him on ground.

“ Excuse me. I didn't hear you clearly. What you said?”, Thompson joked.

“ Run for your life Thompson, cause i am going to punish you in such a way, that you will beg to me everyday and wish for your own death. But i won't kill you, i will punish you till the brink of death, but then i will snatch your life from the hands of death itself”, upon hearing Edgar, Thompson laughed hysterically.

“ I will give you A+ for your really over the top imagine. But my friend i am afraid that’s not going to happen,  cause you won’t be alive for that day”, Thompson place the barrel of his gun of Edgar’s temple.

“ I told you don’t mess with me Edgar. Now die”


A nuke hit Thompson expensive car and it flew in air 20 feet above.  Which distracted Thompson, one by one every man of Thompson started falling on ground lifeless. All men who was holding Edgar fell lifeless. Edgar stood of his feets, Thompson pulled triggers five times, but in his overconfidence he did pushed safety off. Thompson gulped in fear, his hands started shaking in fear dropped his gun on ground. There is a very dangerous look on Edgar’s face. His eyes are blazing with fury, the grim on his face, is more sinister. Thompson retreated  and starts escaping but Edgar’s men were fast. They caught him.

While Jimmy searched for Riya, he found her in a car badly collided near Edgar, he applied full force and opened car door.

“ God Riya, don't die”, He checked Riya pulse, which is very low. She is alive. Jimmy without wasting anything picked Riya in his arms and walked out from car.

Thompson knew his end is near, but Edgar has other plans in his mind. He won’t kill him, but he will torture him in such a way, until his pleas for death turn into moan. Thompson knew he triggered the inner demon inside, the beast standing in front of him.

“ Edgar, she is alive”, Jimmy voice made Edgar stop in his track. He turned his head at Jimmy, when he saw him holding Riya. She is alive is enough for him. He rushed to them and one of man brought car.

“ You know what to do”, Edgar spoke to Jimmy.

“ Don’t worry save her”, Edgar nodded in response.

Edgar quickly made his way to car and drove to nearest hospital. During whole drive, he tried to some how stop Riya’s  bleeding from head. He ripped his shirt and tied it on her head. He kissed her head numerous times. And blamed himself, not being able to protect her.

They reached hospital and Edgar threatened entire team of doctors to save Riya at any cost. Seeing Edgar without shirt whole female population in hospital were eye- raping him. But his eyes is only waiting to see Riya’s smile one more time.

Ivan, Victor and Jimmy also reached into hospital. When doctor came out, he told Edgar Riya has a blood clot in her brain, 3 broken ribs, one broken arm and leg and loss of blood. He had to perform her brain surgery as soon as possible. Edgar fulfilled all paper work and doctor started surgery. But Riya already had lost so much blood, so nurse asked Edgar and his men to donate blood. Edgar and his men with out any hesitance donated their blood.

Riya current sight was hard breaking for Edgar, she was dressed in hospital gown, with oxygen marks on her face, with numerous IV tube inserted into her hands, ribs and neck. A lone tear escape from Edgar’s eyes. When he saw Riya was laying in blooded pool, it reminded him of his mother. And old pain were back. Riya took the blow which was meant for him.

"Why Riya, why you did that?"

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