Chapter 20.

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🌸 Riya 🌸

It's 9 pm. Dad will be really angry that i didn't informed him, that i am going to be late today.

When i reached home. I saw dad standing in front of gate. He's been waiting for me.

"I am so irresponsible, i stuffed my phone in hand bag and didn't even called at home ones to inform dad"

I was so engrossed in talking with Edgar about Myrah and Rohan, if forgot all about time.

Edgar parked his car in front of dad. I can see dad's expression like you-better-have-a-good-explanation-for-being-late.

I get down from his car.

"Daddy", i called dad.

"You are late", he is furious, he said and placed his hand over his hips.

"Daddy, i left my phone in my hand bag. The driver must have dropped my things....", i reasoned out.

"You could have called once. I was worried for you", now his hands are crossed over his chest.

"Comeon Dev. You are scolding Riya in front of her guest", mom intervened.

I didn't realised Edgar is still here. He stood just right behind me. But daddy didn't noticed that.

"Yes, Mr. Malhotra it's not her fault. After meeting we went for dinner outside. Eventually forgot about the pace of time", Edgar said.

"Please don't be mad at Riya", he said and looked at me.

Dad stared at Edgar for a while. 20 seconds of thick silence, between the two. I have never brought a man before this. I don't know what dad is thinking right now.

"Dad, he is Edgar R......", i cut in mid by dad.

"Edgar Romanov", now my dad reaction complete changed from furious to protective one. Daddy grabbed my hand and yelled at Edgar.

"Stay away from my daughter. YOU BLOODY MAFIA KING", and dragged me along with him into our house.


"Daddy.....", i tried to speak.

"What is this Riya? What are you doing with this man? He's dangerous Riya", my daddy is half shouting and half panting right now.

"But daddy what happened?", i asked him. I have never seen my dad furious like this.

"Don't tell me you didn't know him Riya", daddy stared at me with wide eyes.

"I know him. He's Yazreen Legal Heir and my client", i answered dad. I really don't have any idea what dad is talking about.

"How many time i told you Riya don't work with Yazreen's", dad yelled.

"Dad also believe that Yazreen's are dangerous"

"But dad they are one who helped me in starting my company", i answered back.

"Company, company, company...., when will you understand that you are girl. A girl responsibility of their parents. And we are protecting you....", dad yelled.

"Protecting from what dad, i am grown up girl. I can take care of myself", i answered timidly. Tears started flowing from my eyes.

Dad noticed my tears. He controlled himself before cupping my face.

"Riya, do you have any idea who that guy is?", dad asked calmly.

"No", i simply nodded my head.

"He's Edgar Romanov. You know he is the Mafia king. He is responsible for killing so many innocent and he even killed his own father", dad told me.

My eyes wide opened by dad revelation.

"I can't believe Riya. You were so close to danger. If anything happens to you. Then me and mom won't be able to live Riya",  dad spoke with his fatherly touch.

"Go to your room my child. We'll continue this later", dad ordered me.

But my mind is still there at dad revelation. My mind cannot accept it. I know he is a bit of crack headed, but he is a mafia king. I never thought that, i was so close to danger. At last, now i am free from him. No more danger.

🔫 Edgar 🔫

"Fuck", i growled and thrashed my room.

"I can't believe Riya's dad recognise me", i groaned in frustration. I rubbed my temple. I picked my phone and dialed Riya number.

"Riya, pick up the call Riya", i called her multiple times. She isn't picking my call.

Her dad must have told her my real identity. And now she is going to hate me.

This made my blood boil. Neither Riya is picking my calls nor she's replying my messages. I can't let that happen.

I won't ever Riya let go from me. I immediately hoped into my car drive to Riya's place.

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