Chapter 40.

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🌸 Riya 🌸

*Dinner Scene*

"Dom, wake elena up. We have to feed her, after that she can sleep", Pooja tolf her husband a.k.a my boss.

"Hump!!!! Why always this happens to me. God!!!! Why all men whom i like is always taken"

"First of all my crush Rohan, he's deeply in love with Myrah and they are married now, and then my boss crush, he's having such a cute family and a wonderful wife. God!!! When i am going to find love of my life"

Then someone wrapped his or her arm around me. I quickly looked at the hand, and it belonged to Edgar.

"Don't worry cupcake. I am here for you", he whispered and nipped my earlobe.

"How he came to know what i was thinking?"

"Don't look so shocked, i knew you must be feeling like a stranger here. You don't know anyone, you must be feeling left out, but don't worry. I am here for you. And soon everyone will started loving and respecting you", he winked at me.

"Riya, Edgar come take a seat", Dom called us . We took our seats Edgar sat beside me. Dinner was peaceful,  everyone is so calm and chirping happily. *family goals*

While having dinner i got to know rest of Dom and Pooja's family member. Their is Pooja's dad, who's also ex-navy officer just like my dad. Samantha, Pooja's adopted sister, Elena and Jason their twins and Steve. While from Edgar side, only his men's Ivan, Jimmy and Victor. And Dom's man Rafael  (who kidnapped me) Jimmy ( yea! Two jimmy in one room) and Brett and Ryan.

*After dinner scene*

After dinner i asked Pooja if i can help her doing chores, she immediately refused saying that i am her guest. She won't let me work. But she told me, i can play with Elena and Jason.

Jason is already sleeping while Elena is wide awake and playing with her stuffed toys. And Dom and Edgar is having a serious talk which i don't want to interfere in it.

"Hi, elena. Hi", i called her name. And she bimmed at me and suddenly jumped in my arms. She is such a sweet baby.

"Aww... you are such a good girl. I am gonna eat you cheeks", i placed at small kiss on her cheek, and she shrieked loudly. Which distracted Edgar and Dom.

"Mr. Giovanni, you daughter is swwwwww.... cute...... i am going to eat her", i trickle her and she giggled loudly.

"I know she's on her mom", Dom awkwardly scratched his back of neck. I giggled at Dom statement.

"Aww... Elena daddy, is so much in love with Elena mommy", i chuckled at Dom's statement.

"Aww.... there's no doubt that Dom is head over heels on Pooja, his eyes never leave her. Wholetime at dinner, i found him looking at Pooja with so much adoration. I wish, one day i am also having a family like them 2 kids and a loving husband"

Edgar snapping over my face brought me back into reality.

"Earth to Riya", he said and i frowned at him.

"I didn't knew that you like kids. Well! If you want kids of your own, than i can give that. Army of kids", he winked at the last part.

"Shh...., don't say such things in front of baby", i covered Elena ears, and Edgar dramatically rolled his eyes.

Elena quietly kept staring at Edgar. She moved towards Edgar and slapped him over his shoulder, and giggled loudly. She again did this and slapped him again and giggled. I giggled at Elena expressions of "not-liking-Edgar" she keep on squeezing Edgar shirt with her nails.

Edgar is now beyond pissed off. He is throwing death glares at Elena and Dom is throwing death glares at Edgar like "don't-you-dare-to-hurt-me-baby" and here i am continuously laughing at this stare game.

"I don't like kids",was the only thing Edgar spoke. And i elbowed him.

"So, now you want kids of your own. Army of kids", mocking him in the same tone.


Author's Note :-

Bruh!!!! Double update yeah🎉🎊

So, want to read the amazing happy sad story of Italian Mafia king and our sweet and funny Pooja Mehra.

Huh.. huh...

Then read my 1st book "Rescuing Mafia "
And good news is that book is completed.
So, you don't have to wait for update 😘😘

Until next time

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