Chapter 43.

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This chapter is dedicated to

Thanks a lot people for voting on my story :)


🌸 Riya 🌸

Next day...

New day, and as usual i woke up late. But last night i wasn't able to sleep, Pooja voice kept on ringing in my head.

"Be true to yourself, Riya"

I understand what she's trying to say. But can i? Can i be able to true with myself? Whenever i think about EDGAR my mind stop working.

But, after a three hour of mental battle, i fall asleep. I woke at 9 am.

"Great, just great", i yawned and rushed into bathroom and did my morning business.

When i came out from bathroom, i saw Pooja standing at the door, she was just about to enter. When she saw me, she smiled warmly.

"Good Morning", she greeted.

"Good Morning", i greeted back.

"Did you sleep well last night?", she asked.

"Yea!! I slept so well that i woke up late", note the sarcasm.

"Well that great. I brought some clothes for you", she said and handed me two shopping bags.

"No, Pooja. I can't take this", i said. I really don't want to bother her.

"But can i ask why?", she narrow her eyes.

"Pooja, you already did so much for me. I can't take this. I have my old clothes as well. Last night i gave your maid for laundry", i said.

"Ohh!!! Riya. Come on. This is a give. Take this. People don't refuse gift. It's bad manners", she said and forcefully shoved both the shopping bags in my hands.

"Comeon get ready, i want to see you how you look like in this dress", she orders. Oh god!!! I can't believe she's so persuasive.

"Pooja, i really....", i tried to protest, but she cut me in mid.

"Don't worry about your old clothes. I have already donated them to an orphanage", she grinned mischeviously, and shut the door behind her.

Well, i guess i have no option but to wear the dress she gifted me. I opened the lid of the box, and saw a beautiful white satin dress in the. box, with a nice piece of Crystal bracelet along with matching plumes.

I stared at dress with wide eyes. This  dress is so beautiful and elegant as well. I must say her fashion sense is great. Simple yet elegant. I quickly rushed to bathroom  and took a shower.

After shower, i quickly change into my new dress, which is exactly of my size and completely hugged my curves nicely.

I did my make, with eyelines, lip-gloss and blusher. Even a whole make kit was kept their on vanity table completely untouched. My boss is really make so much money, i guess.

Riya dress

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Riya dress

After being satisfied with my make up i walked out from my room to find Pooja, i was being rude to earlier, now i should really thank her.

I found a maid, who was mopping the floor. I asked her about where i can find Pooja. She told me she is downstairs. I descented to downstairs, in mid-way i found Edgar and Dom along with their men's were already their talking witu each other. Pooja was standing beside Dom where Dom possesively held his hand around her waist.


When i reached in the hall, i attracted their attention.

"Omg!!! Riya", Pooja grashed and cover her mouth with her hands dramatically, and i nervously chuckled.

"Look at you. You look amazing Riya. What you say Dom", she came near me and throw her hand over my shoulder.

"Your are looking absolutely stunning Riya", Dom complimented me. I thanked him and look at Edgar whose mouth is slightly twitched, but when his eyes meet mine, he completely changed his expression from annoyed to cold one.

"What the hell"

Anyway, i ignored it and thanked Pooja for her gift, which i really-really loved.

"Riya, come here. I want to have words with you", Edgar is the one who said this line. I stared at him.

"What he wants now"

"Okay", is the only word came out from my mouth. He came near me, held my hand from my wrist and dragged me along with him.

"I can feel, i can feel the same warmth and tingling sensation again. Oh god!! Am i ill or he is?"

Edgar dragged me near fountain in front of Dom mansion. He let go my hand, and those sensation too.

"We're leaving", he said.

"What? Are you going", i did a mental happy dance. He's going. Yes! I am free again.

"Yes! And i am not going along", he said.

"I know Jimmy, Ivan, Victor are also going with you. It's obvious", i rolled my eyes at him. I heard him chuckle, with amusement in his eyes.

"Oh!! My cup cake. Someone else is also coming with me", he said while ruffling into my hair.

"Don't do that. It took me ages to fix them", i glared at him for messing up with my hair. He brought his arm back and again his expression is in serious mode.

"By the way. Who's the one, whom you are taking with you?", a question arisen out of curiosity.

"Cup cake, it's YOU. You are coming with me"

"Oh no....."

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