Chapter 12.

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Merry Christmas my dear reader's. 🎉🎊
Hope this Christmas brings a lot of blessings and good luck in your life.🎁


🌸 Riya 🌸

Next day.....

"Dad, mom. I am going", i bid my good bye to mom and rushed to my car.

"Riya, Rohan will drop and pick  you up today", dad said.

"But dad, i am getting late", i answered back.

"You own your company. Five minutes won't hurt anybody", dad said.

"Hey Riya", Rohan came out from inside.

"Good Morning beautiful ", Rohan greeted and opened car door for me.

" Driver Rohan at your service majesty", Rohan bowed in front of me.

"What are you doing? ", i asked him with wide eyes.

Is he also serious for wedding. I need to talk to him. But first i need to handle that crack headed first (Mr. Romanov).

"Where to Miss?", Rohan asked and i gave him direction to my new office.  And i am already 10 minutes late.

"Why here? Don't you want to go to your office?", Rohan asked.

"I have some meetings to attend here, will catch later", i get down from car and Rohan as well.

"Riya, would you like to go on dinner with me. I have somethings to discuss with you ", Rohan asked.

"Ahh! That would a perfect opportunity for me to tell him. I don't want to get married right now"

"Sure, Rohan. Pick me up from here in evening. I will call you", i told him and smiled.

"Great. See you in evening", with that Rohan drove away.

And again, I am having a feeling of being watched. I step aside all this weird feeling and entered into Romanov office.

🔫 Edgar 🔫

I looked into my wrist watch. 10 minutes....

She's is late. So, she will be punished for that.

Well, that bloody Yazreen was no use for me. But this cabin has an amazing view. I can keep eye on my staff working inside the office and can also watch the outside commotion.

Then i saw my Riya, car coming to halt. There she is.

"And with a guy. In her car"

She is with a guy. This made my blood boil. I want to rip that guy in shreds, so he'll never be able to stand near again my Riya.

After a little chit-chat between that two, that brat left.

It's good that he left. Otherwise he won't be able to see tommorow's sun.

"You are being paranoid Ed. Maybe he's just her friend"

"I am here", Riya entered in my office.

"You are late", i replied strenly.

"Yes, but it's only 10 minutes", she replied.

"What i told you earlier, i hate it when my employees are late, take this", i thrown her a file.

Which she catch.

"I want all you verify all the details about Italians, you will find files in document room", i said.

"Now go", i ordered.

"Not until, you speak to me with respect", she protested.

"I am not your employee, better if you get this in your crack head", she replied and put her hands over her hips.

"Great she is furious"

"Then, i love to have your company for me", i threatened her again.

"I have to find ways to have my control over her, she just love pissing me off"

She narrowed her eyes, and walked away from my office.

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