Chapter 9.

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🌸 Riya 🌸

* At my office *

I reached at my office. Last night to resue my place, i have decided to file a legal suit against Mr. Romanov. I am sure this will help, and i will get or more think to think about my next move. But wait a second what is this....

"Hey stop? What on world you people are doing?", some people are trying seal down my office.

"Miss, Mr. Romanov has ordered us to seal down this place, now please step aside so we can work", a man answered.

"What?", i was about to protest when a black car approached and stopped in front of me.

Mr. Romanov stepped out from the car. And stood in front of me. This man is getting on my nerves right now.

"Mr. Romanov, why you ordered to seal down my place. You can't do this. This place belongs to me", i yelled at him.

"Shh!!.... Anger is dangerous for health Riya, Cool down", he said.

"Cool down! You sealed my work place. And telling me to cool down. Wait a second, i am gonna call police for illegally sealing down my place", i threatened him.

He smiled at me.

"Think before taking any actions dear", he place his forefinger on side of my forehead.

"This place belongs to me now. Did you forget that", he said and shoved his hands into his pocket.

"Police will arrest you instead of me for trespassing my property", he spoke with calm voice, which only boiled my anger.

"But, he's right. Involving police will deteriorate my image"

"Remember Riya, i gave you offer yesterday", he said.

"Ofcourse you did, but give me some time atleast to think....", he cut me in mid.

"I gave you, whole night", he said.

"What.....", i again cut in mid by him.

"But you only planned for bringing a legal suit against me", after hearing those words my eyes are wide like saucer plate.

"How he got to know that"

"I have sources", he answered.

"Did he read my mind"

🔫 Edgar 🔫

I followed her yesterday, to find out what her next step could. The way she left my office, i don't think so she's gonna listen to it.

"So, i will make her listen. And there is no need for her to work, when i am here for Her"

She straightly went to her office and i sneaked in. She made a phone call to someone for legal advise.

"You shouldn't be going that, kitten"

I came back to my office and ordered my Secretary to seal down Riya's place for a while.

"Just to make her listen, if she'll work for me. Than i will get a chance to know her better. I don't know this feeling but i want her to stay at my side"

* Next day *

* Phone call *

"Sir, Miss Malhotra is here", one of man informed me, whom i alloted the work to seal down Riya's place.

"Good", i answered and hang up the call. Sat in my car and moved to Riya office.

When i reached she was already their fighting with my men.

I stopped my car in front of her and got out from it.

"Mr. Romanov, why you ordered to seal down my place. You can't do this. This place belongs to me", she yelled at me.

"I swear, if some other person were in her place. I could have granted him/her death; but for Riya, i can't do that. But this bring smile upon my lips"

"Shh!!.... Anger is dangerous for health Riya, Cool down", i answered her. I don't want her to be mad at me.

"Cool down! You sealed my work place. And telling me to cool down. Wait a second, i am gonna call police for illegally sealing down my place", she threatened me.

"How cute, she look more beautiful when she is angry"

"Think before taking any actions dear", i teased her and pointed my fingure at her side of forehead.

"This place belongs to me now. Did you forget that", i reminded her.

"Police will arrest you instead of me for trespassing my property", i spoke to her in calm voice.

"Remember Riya, i gave you offer yesterday", i said.

"Ofcourse you did, but give me some time atleast to think....", i cut her in mid.

"I gave you, whole night", i told her.

"What.....", i again cut her in mid.

"But you only planned for bringing a legal suit against me", after hearing my words her eyes are wide open.

" i am enjoying this now"

She might be thinking how i got to know this.

"I have sources", i answered her.

See looked confused for a while.

"Come with me Riya. We have some important things to discuss", i opened my passenger  car door for her.

She hoped in and we drove to my office.

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