Chapter 13.

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🌸 Riya 🌸

"That crack headed; what he think of himself. What am i to him, his maid or something", i right now i am beyond furious. I simply had to walk away from his office otherwise, i would have picked another fight with him.

"I wish, i could steal my company papers from him"

"Wait a second", i looked at the file which he thrown at me.

"He said, i have to go to the document room to verify details. Maybe....maybe.... i could find my company papers their....."

I squealed mentally and thanked god for such a wonderful idea.

I immediately rushed to document room.

Files.... files..... so many files....

"Now how i am supposed to find my papers here", i silently stood their for a while. This whole document room is like a library full of files.

"Good Morning Miss, how can i help you", a man in his mid-fifties greeted me.

He's the man who controls and keep records of the file.

I got nervous for a while. I hope he didn't saw me sneaking for my files like this.

"Hi, I am Riya Malhotra.....", i am cut in mid by him.

"Oh! Yes Mr. Romanov informed for giving you Italians file. You don't have to search for them like this. I have already collected and piled up them for you", he said and handed me piles of papers.

I smiled nervously at him.

"That's so nice of you", i sincerely thanked him for his service and also for ruining my plan.

"I guess, i will come back here. When he'll not around"

My whole day passed in blurr. I have found out that Italian really don't have good going with Russians. There are piles of papers of scam and losses cause by Italians and same goes for the Russian.

I verified a most of the details of contract, prices, inventory, counterfoiles, bills etc....

I will do the rest tommorow.

*Mobile phone rings*

Rohan calling.....

"Hello, Riya. Are you free now should i pick you?", Rohan asked from other side.

"Aww.... he's so perfect. I really want to marry him. But i also want to focus on my career first. I want to be an inspiration for all female Enterpernure in India. Hope he understands that"

I sighed.

"Yes, Rohan i am free now. You can pick me up", i replied.

"Great, i will be there at 20 mins. Then we will have dinner together and it's my treat", he said and blushed.

"Okay okay. Now came soon. I am waiting here", i answered.

"Okay, coming. Bye", he said.

"Bye", i disconnected my call.

Then i saw that crack headed was standing near my cubicle, with hands crossed over his chest and an hint of anger in his eyes.

I simply ignored him and started working on my work left. I can feel his eyes on me. Well this is weird. I can't bear this any more. I looked at him with annoyed expression.

He's still staring at me.

"Loving the view huh? Take a picture it will last long", i said to him. He seems to be taken aback with my comment.

"Krasota s umnym rtom", he said. (Beauty with a smart mouth)

I narrowed my eyes at this.

" i mozg takzhe", i said to him (and brain's as well)

Now, his expression changed to amused one.

"What he thought i don't know Russian. Well it's not a rocket science to learn it. I have Russian language in school for extras"

" ya ne znal, chto ty  umeyesh' govorit' po-russki", he said ( i didn't knew that you know how to speak Russian)

" ya znayu tak mnogo veshchey, g-n Romanov", i replied him proudly  ( i know so many things Mr. Romanov)

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