Episode 1-Presidental Trip

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(Youtube video from the Youtuber None Like Joshua. I urge you to check out their Youtube channel if you haven't already, thank you.)

Evil Morty's P.O.V.

I walk down the street of Mortyville, waving, smiling, and nodding. God I hate this but I need as many of them on my side as I can get. As I'm walking a Morty jumps at me.

"CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!?!" He shouted before being pushed away by one of my Rick bodyguards. Poor fool. The further down the road I go the worse it gets. More and more Mortys, even a few Ricks, throw themselves at me. They beg me to keep my promises, to make the Citadel great again.

Of course not all of them are like that. some yell angrily, screaming death threats. God this is annoying. I hated doing this but I had to keep smiling and waving. Pretending to not be the monster they think I am, the monster they know I am.

The torture is nearly over when two news reporters approach. A Rick and a Morty.

"Do you plan on keeping your promises?" The Morty asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I say with a smile. Then, with a little bit of a more sinister tone, I add, "I am a man of my word." No one took notice.

"How do you plan to snuff out the rebellion?" The Rick asked.

"They will be dealt with in a civil matter," I reply.

"Do you plan on locking them up?" They both asked.

"If needed, yes. Now no more questions, please," I answered as my bodyguards pushed them away. Finally I made through the whole of Mortyville.

At the end, a transport was waiting. I climbed inside and turned on the News. On it was two Rick reporters discussing something about the rebellious riots going on. Sighing, I turn off the television and leaned back slightly in the seat. One Rick on one side, another Rick on the other.

Before getting back to the tower, we stopped and the door opened. I'm still a little annoyed I had to have a meeting now, but Uncle Grandpa insisted on having a meeting now and not in the tower. This better be good.

Uncle Grandpa enters, surprisingly alone.

"Good Morning!" He shouted as he enters the transport. After he enters, the transport begins moving again.

"So, what did you want to discuss?" I ask him.

"Well, uh..." He responds.


"I thought that maybe you could use a Vice President! My pals and I could keep everyone happy and keep riots down, PLUUUUUS I am great at being a co-leader," he said. He was suddenly wearing glasses and sipping from a mug of coffee.

I sigh, "Is that all?"

"Well yeah. What else would I want to have a meeting with you for? To help you with your grandpa issues? No thank you! I'll be just fine fixing other problems."

I look at him with an eyebrow raised. How did he...? You know what? I won't question it. This is Uncle Grandpa, the guy that breaks the laws of physics just for sh*ts and giggles.

"Ya know what Uncle Grandpa? I might take you up on that offer," I say with a smile.



And with that he was thrown from the transport. That is something I hope doesn't happen again. I do not need more crossovers on my hands (=)).

Finally, my transport pulls up to the tower. I sigh in relief and head to my office. I enter and head to a door at the side, in which I put in a three digit code and enter. inside were my sleeping quarters. I flop on my bed, the door closing behind me. 'I can finally rest' I think, as I slip into slumber.

Spy Morty's P.O.V.

I watch as the president steps into the transporter and leaves. A few minutes after, I make my exit from the group watching. I make my way through the back allies of Mortyville and to a broken down apartment building. I head to the back and knock three times. I hear a sliding noise before two eyes are revealed.

"What's th-the password?" A gruff but familiar voice asks.

I look back and forth before replying with, "Aw geez."

I hear a sliding noise along with a clicking noise before a door opens.

"Aw, Morty R-230. B-Been a little while," said a Morty with a scar going down his left eye.

"I could say the same, M-Morty V-103," I respond.

Chuckling, he moves to let me in. I enter a hallway with doors here and there with numbers and letters scribbled on them. Noting the newer numbers and letters, I walk down the hallway to a door at the end with the words 'C Room' scribbled on it. I knock once before entering. To my surprise, there aren't many others here.

"Where i-is everyone?" I ask as I enter.

"Scavenging, raiding, spying, all that beautiful stuff," a Morty with a robotic right arm and thick accent responded.

"Th-Then why are you and him the o-only ones here?" I asked, pointing at a Morty with pure black eyes, "I thought th-there were more of us."

"There are, but like he said they're scavenging," The pure black eyed Morty replied, "But, if you're wondering if anyone left the group, only two did. Morty H-345 and Morty A-275. No one important."

I sighed. Anyone leaving the rebellion can be considered bad. I walk over to a beanbag and sit.

"Is the b-boss out?" I ask. I needed to report what I saw at the presidential thing while it was still fresh in my mind.

"Yup, something important from what I gathered," mumbled the accented Morty.

With a sigh I sit there and wait.

~Time skip brought to you by crossovers~

I was dozing off until I heard the door open. I look up to see the boss. Jumping up, I walk over.

"Uh, sir, a moment please?" I ask as I approach him.

"Right, in m-my office," he said as he walked into a room labeled 'Boss's Office'. I followed behind.

"Make i-it quick."

I nod and explain what happened. I finally end with him leaving in the transport.

"A-Anything noticeably suspicious?" He asked.

"Well, h-he did seem pretty s-sinister when saying that he a-always keeps his words."

He nods then points to the door.

"Thanks, M-Morty, that's all I need to know. Now be on your way, I need to think."

"Right," I say as I exit the room.

"How did it go?" Asked the accented Morty, as I found out was Morty T-28.

"Fine," I replied.

The Morty with the black eyes, Morty T-27, scoffed.

"Fine? Did you piss him off or something?"

"Be nice," Morty T-28 said looking at Morty T-27.

"Be nice? This coming from the guy that enjoys going to dimensions with purges and killing EVERYONE there?"

"Hey, don't shame my hobb-"

"Who also LOVES hent-"

"Don't kink shame, uncool."

They continue to bicker as I walk into the hallway and head to a door with my dimension name on it. I enter and sit on the bed with a sigh. Tomorrow I have to lead another riot. 'Can't wait' I think as I lie down and drift into sleep.  

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