Episode 12-A New Dawn

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a week. I've been here with this "Evil Morty" for a week. A week is all it took for me to realize something: this Morty isn't as bad as I previously thought.

Over the past week, we've been getting to know each other. I was hesitant at first, but soon I started opening up. We quickly became friends and that makes me happy.

But, he won't let me leave. He says something about it being too dangerous. I know what's going on, I was filled in on that much. What I don't know, is whether or not I trust him.

I was currently sitting in his office, we were talking about *insert favorite topic here* when a Rick comes bursting in, obviously alarmed. He runs over, out of breath.

"Sir, w-we caught sight of, of a-an army! A whole a-army! A bunch of R-Ricks and M-Mortys, all marching this way," he says, waiting for "Evil Morty" to process the information and give orders.

He stood as soon as the Rick came running in and is now thinking long and hard. With a sigh, he responds.

"Get ready for a full blown battle. I will not lose to a bunch of simpletons," he says this as he walks over to the Rick, "Get an escort for DC abd have her moved away. I don't want anything to-"

He was interrupted by a loud crash. He curses under his breath and runs. I take this opportunity to slip away and get to where the main battle was occurring. I wanted to see this go down.

Spy Morty's P.O.V.

A week had passed, and we got more soldiers than ever imagined. We may have only had a week, but all of the new soldiers were easily trained. We only had a few difficulties with a gun a couple of times.

We were all getting ready for the fight of our lives, now. The boss and I were to lead them to the presidential tower, and attack. It wasn't long until everyone was ready to fight.

Once they were ready, the boss and I got a move on it. We got everyone into line, a few military like vehicles being packed with quite a few soldiers, and startedarching to the building.

Our plan was being set into motion. As we walked, we had a few Ricks hacking any cameras, turning them off or simply exploding them. We had our strongest soldiers on the outside, stopping anyone who approached us from stopping us.

We slowly, but surely, made our way to the tower. As we approached it, we saw a few Ricks and Mortys running out to fight. I nod at Ford and the Rick that helped us, and they nod. They go into a portal.

We're approached by the Ricks and Mortys who came out. A Rick, obviously the leader of them, opens his mouth to say something. Before anything can be said, an explosion went on behind them. A huge hole was now formed in the wall.

Moments after the explosion happened, all out massacre broke out. Every where I looked, there was a Rick or a Morty being killed. A Morty getting his head torn off, a Rick being split in half. It was terrifying, and a rush.

I stare at everyone being killed and ripped to pieces, before I'm brought back to reality by a Morty tackling me. He screams and stabs a knife at my head. I dodge and stab him in the head with my own knife.

Pushing his now limp body off of me, he stand and run towards the hole in the wall. I enter and make my way to... I'm not sure. I run through, looking for DC, but I can't find her. If I can't find her and we lose this battle, things might end a lot differently than planned.

Rick's P.O.V.

Once Ford and I blow a damn hole in the wall, we started heading to our destination. We planned on making this tower fall, and we needed a good place to put our two bombs.

We had gotten blueprints of the building, and knew exactly where to plant them. I look over at Ford.

"You remember where t-to go, right?" I ask as we continue running.

"I know where I'm going. Don't worry," he responds as we get near the location we will split.

"I know you e-enough not to worry. P-Plus when have I b-been one to worry?"

"I'm not going to answer that," we come to where we part ways and he nods at me, calling over his shoulder as he makes a sharp turn left and I take a sharp turn right, "Good luck, Rick!"

I make my way down a hallway and to an elevator. Entering the elevator, I hit the button that'll lead me to the floor I needed to reach. As I reach the floor, I make my way to the room I needed to reach. Which wasn't hard, considering the fact that the hallway was empty.

Once I reach the room, I break in. I look around. I was in a room filled with computers, wires, and other tech. I quickly make my way to the North wall and swiftly set up the bomb. This is the first weakest point. If Ford does a good job, this tower doesn't stand a chance.

I finish my job and make it back out rather easily. Once I make it out, I'm greeted with complete chaos. There was death, blood, and just over all gore every where. It was worse than the purge planet Morty and I visited.

I, eventually, find Ford in the crowd, fighting off Ricks and Mortys. I run over and join him. Once we had enough time to actually look at eavh other, we both nod. Time to detonate the bombs.

We both pull out a controller and press a button, the sound of an two explosions and crashing could be heard. I turn around to see the tower crashing down. Debris and rubble surrounding us as we run from the collapsing building.

Your P.O.V. (again)

I chase after Evil Morty, managing to keep up. As I run, I see a Rick run out of an elevator. I pay this no mind and stay hot on Evil Morty's heels.

Evil Morty runs out, and I follow. I push my way through the chaos and towards him as he makes his way towards a familiar Morty. But, right as he reaches him, the sound of two explosions could be heard. I didn't need to look back to know that the tower was coming down, but I did anyways.

I jump into a small, but just big enough hole, debris and dust and the like flying over my head. I listen. Screams, yells, the sound of stone on ground and stone on body, then silence...

I wait a lot longer than I'd have liked to, before peaking my head up. Everything was still. Everyone was laying low. Then I heard coughing, and people started getting up. There were a bit more survivers of that than I expected.

I heard the sound of cheers as I made may way out of the hole. Looking around, I spot a silhouette of two figures in the distance. Pretty close to where the tower fell.

Recognizing the figures, I run over. As I approach, I see the familiar Morty holding a gun to Evil Morty's head, Evil Morty sitting back on his knees as he stared the other Morty straight in the eyes.

The Morty was about to shoot Evil Morty. I had made him a friend, but I wasn't sure I should trust him. I could stop Evil Morty from dying, or I could not. Should I save him...?

"Yes, or No?"

A/N: 1315 words. Happy? Sorry for not updating in a while. Hope this makes up for it. At least even a little. ~Chaotic

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