Episode 8-Ricky Ticky Meeting

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(Episode 8 take two- cause the last one I made was deleted!)

Rick's P.O.V.

After stepping through the portal, it closes behind us. 

"Take two," I mumble to myself, turning to Star and Marco.

"Y-You aren't needed. Y-You can leave now," I say bluntly, earning a sad puppy face from Star.

"Can we please stay?" Star says, earning a glare from Marco.

"Star, he said we aren't needed. Let's go home!" He says, rather annoyed with the blond.

"Ugh, you're no fun, Marco!"

"Th-The puppy face didn't and wouldn't w-work anyways," I say with a bored tone.

Star sighs and uses her dimensional scissors to open a blue colored portal. Green's better in my opinion.

"Home is probably infested with monsters, anyway," Star says, stepping through. Marco soon follows, saying a final good bye as he goes.

"N-Now that that's done and over with," I mutter, turning to DC, Morty, and Ford.

"Ford, Morty, take this d-device and take it to that military base," I hand them a device and point in the direction of said base, "Y-You can figure out how to get in."

"Right," Ford says, grabbing the device from my hand, "We'll be back in no time!"

Ford then takes off, Morty in tow.

"Are we going with Ford when we take him to the rebels?" DC asked, turning to me.

"Yup, we have nothing b-better to do at home," I burp out in response.

She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Plus, Jerry should be home by now."

Her mouth shapes into an o before she turns to watch the base.

Morty's P.O.V.

I walk off, following Stanford. He approaches the base, which for some reason didn't have a fence. They must really trust in their security systems or something.

The building was tall and a brown color, and had military vehicles in the front. Ford grabs a laser from his pocket and makes a hole in the wall.

We step through, immediately tripping off an alarm. The room we were in had military guns and other supplies everywhere.

"Awe geez. What're w-we gonna do?" I asked nervously.

"Hmm, this device will shrink the supplies so I can carry it with me. All I have to do is puch this button," Ford says, pushing a red button on the side of the black device.

After clicking the button, a blue light came out of the light and scanned the supplies. The supplies then seemed to disappear, most likely going into the device.

A nearby door then shot open, a bunch of guys in military outfits come running through. They point there guns at us.

"Stop right there! This is property of the U.S. government!" A military soldier shouted.

Ford quickly grabs me, running through he hole he made. I could hear gunshots as we ran.

"Awe geez, awe geez, awe geez!" I shouted, as we ran back to Rick and DC.

Rick quickly opened the portal, all of us jumping through to safety.

"Th-That was close!" I mutter, catching my breath.

"Awe, MortyTown. Also known as Mortyville," Fords says from beside me.

I look around to see other Mortys walking by, giving me and Rick dirty looks as they do so, "Uh, R-Rick?"

"S-Stay by my side, Morty. I don't want to loose you. Plus, some of these Mortys are savages," Rick says, looking over at me.

We all make our way through the town, going deeper and deeper until we reach the darker parts. We soon approach an abandoned apartment building. Ford looks at me.

"Knock three times, then say 'Awe geez'," he says to me.

I do as he says and a Morty with a scar over his eye opens up.

"Awe, Ford. Here w-with the supplies?" The Morty asks, looking over at Ford.

"Yes, I-" Ford was saying until he was interrupted by the sound of sirens coming closer and closer.

Before any of us can really react, the whole building is surrounded by police cars. A limousine then rolls up, stopping in front of us. Out pops a Morty in a tuxedo.

He smirks at Rick deviously, saying, "Awe, if it isn't Rick C-137! Long time no see!"

A/N: Yay! I swear if this is deleted- WUBBALUBBADUBDUB!!! ~Chaotic

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