Episode 7-Old Friend, New Enemy

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Evil Morty's P.O.V.

I look down at the Morty I am currently keeping down, and smirk at him.

"Ah, Morty R-230," I say, my smirk growing, "Long time no see."

He spits in my face.

"F*ck you," he growls.

I only chuckle at that.

"Now, now. That isn't any way to treat an old friend, is it?" I ask.

"You were never my friend!" He yells as he pushes me off of him.

He jumps up, pointing a gun at me. Acting quickly, I grab his gun and toss it.

I grin at him.

"You came here to kill me? I thought that maybe you just wanted to apologize," I say with a chuckles.

"Apologize?!" He shouts angrily.

He jumps at me, pulling out a hidden pocket knife.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" He shouts as he drives the knife into my left shoulder.

I yell out in pain, kicking him off of me. I press my hand against the wound, applying pressure.

Still holding the knife, he runs at me. I glare at him, then I pull a gun out of my pocket.

His eyes widen as I point the gun at his stomach and pull the trigger. Morty R-230 then falls to the ground, clutching his own wound. 

I approach him slowly.

"It was 'nice' seeing you again... Old friend," I say, holding the gun to his head.

Before I have the chance to pull the trigger, two Mortys crash through the window and I'm shot in the SAME GOD DAMN SHOULDER.

I drop the gun, gritting my teeth in pain. I watch as the two Mortys  grab Morty R-230 and jump back through the window, into some kind of helicopter. 

I get up, holding my shoulder.

"This isn't over," I mutter, "This is just the beginning."

Spy Morty's P.O.V.

I look around me to find myself in a room on a bed. My vision was blurred, so I was unsure as to where I was.

"Where-" I began to say until I'm cut off by a familiar voice.

"You're awake!" Todd said, sounding relieved.

My vision finally clears as I look at him.

"What's-" I attempt to ask a question before being interrupted once again by another familiar voice.

"We were supposed to go in together! You know? So that we could 'wipe him out once and for all'," says a rather pissed off Tim.


"Those were your words!"


"I know you hate him but he could have killed you!"

"You didn't have to listen to me!"

"Yes I did! You were the commander! Not following your orders would result in punishment."

I sigh. I knew the rules, I didn't need to be lectured... Again.

"Well then, if you two are done acting like a married couple, I think we should leave him to rest. Wouldn't you agree?" Todd says, looking over at Tim.

Tim sighs then nods, the two leaving me to sleep.

"I'm fool," I mutter to myself as I drift to sleep.

Your P.O.V. (wat? All of the p.o.v.s in one chapter? Impossible!)

I look around me, I seemed to be in a forest. I look next to me to see Marco.

"Uh, Star, remind me why we kidnapped a spiky blue-haired guy again," he said, looking over at the blond-haired girl.

"Because, uh, that's a good question," she said, looking over to who I learned was Stanford.

"Well, I need Rick's help getting supplies for a group that I owe a favor to," Stanford said, grinning slightly.

"Th-That means you'll owe m-me in return," Rick burped out.

"For what group?" I said, finally speaking up.

"Some kind of rebellion," Stanford responds with a shrug.

"I-I'm confused," muttered Morty.

"O-Of course you are, M-Morty. Now let's get th-this done and over w-with," Rick grunts, using his portal gun to open a portal to who knows where.

We all walk through without much hesitation.

(A/N): Heyo! I updated! And it's a chapter! Yay! WUBBALUBBADUBDUB!!! ~Chaotic

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