Episode 10-Chaos Has a Limit

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"Mysterious Eye Glowing Monster's" P.O.V.

i look back and forth to see a bunch of enemies coming at us. i can't help but smile, well smile wider than i already was. as my left eye glows, i turn to the prisoners we released.

"better run, don't know how long fish breath and i can keep them off."

the old man looks to me.

"How do we do that?"

"you're smart. figure it out."

he rolls his eyes.

"Always making me do all the work."

he takes a gun from one of the guards, shooting him directly in the face. he then looks through all the other guards before shooting a commander. he then runs over and goes through his pockets, pulling out a portal gun. at least that's what he called it.

he gathered everyone together while Undyne and i fought off the guards. the old man then shoots a portal, jumping through with the other old man and the little guy. before the girl could get through, she was nabbed by a guard.

"Nope! The President wants you for leverage."

she tried to escape, but the portal closed to soon. the guard tightened his grip on the girl then took off, carrying her down the hallway. i could probably explain better if i bothered to actually learn their names.

i can save her if, and they're gone. well...




this might be a problem.

Evil Morty's P.O.V.

I growled, watching as Rick and the others escaped. Before I could out right destroy my office in anger, something caught my eye. There, onscreen, one of my commanding Ricks grabbed the girl. (Y/N), also known as DC.

When I first saw her, I noticed she could be used as leverage if Rick C-137 were to escape. But, something inside me said that wasn't the only reason.

After pondering it,  I found out what it was. I was crushing on her. Of course I was, and still kind of am, in denial. I'm too smart to 'like' someone. Only the stupid Mortys did that. There had to be something more. It wasn't love, love at first sight doesn't exist. Only attraction at first sight.

If it isn't love, or a crush like it might actually be, then it must be obsession. Yet, that also doesn't make sense. Obsession would be more. I'd be longing to... 'do things' with her, but I don't. The only conclusion is a crush...

While I'm thinking, a Rick, the Rick that grabbed (Y/N), burst in.

"The other prisoners got away, and the two guards that we were fighting teleported away."

I sit facing towards the window, the sun making me more a shadow then anything. How do I know? Don't question it.

I spin around to face him.

"You let my prisoners escape."

"So? I still have the girl, isn't that what you wanted?"

I sigh and nod towards two shadowy figures in the corners of the office. The figures reveal themselves to be buffer than usual Mortys. They grab the Rick by the arms and drag him out the office. I push a button to lock the doors after them. I glance at the female in front of me, my heart skipping a single beat as she looks at me.

"Why am I here?"

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out."

"Rick will come back for me."

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