Episode 3-Is This What's Out There?

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Your P.O.V.

I had my eyes squeezed shut when I heard a burp from next to me.

"Y-You can open y-your eyes now," said a gravelly voice.

I look next to me to see Rick Sanchez. Oh, right, you were going on some kind of mission with him and Morty.

As I look at Rick you realize something.

"You just practically kidnapped me!" I shouted out of the blue.

Rick only shrugged.

"You wanted t-to help," he said with a burp.

I sigh as Rick takes out his flask and takes a drink. I glance at his flask.

"Are you drinking while driving?!" I said in astonishment.

"It's not, not what you th-think it is," he burped out in response.

I force myself to shrug it off and decide to direct my attention elsewhere. I look out the window to see stars everywhere. 'Well, no dip, I'm in space' I thought to myself. Then it hit me. I'M IN SPACE.

"I'm in space!" I shout.

Rick rolls his eyes as Morty's head pops in between us.

"Y-Yeah, space. D-Did you just n-now notice?" He questioned.

"I noticed before, I'm just actually starting to realize it."

"She hasn't s-seen anything like it, M-Morty," Rick grunted, "L-Let her be amAZED!"

I look out again to watch the stars fly by. It was beautiful. I look over to see what I can only assume is a way out to another galaxy.

After a bit of riding, Rick starts approaching a weird looking planet. We land and walk into a building.

"BLIPS AND CHITZ!" Rick shouted as you entered.

"Wha-What are we doing h-here, Rick?" Morty asked, obviously confused.

"The generator YOU d-destroyed can only be f-found in two other places,h-here and somewhere else," Rick explained with a loud burp as he walked up to a worker.

"H-Hey, I'm a mechanic, I-I was hired to take a-a look at your generator," Rick told the worker.

"A-Aw geez, uh, I dunno man. You don't really look like a mechanic," the worker mumbled nervously.

"A-Are you telling me how t-to dress for MY job?"

"U-Uh no sure, I just thought-"

"I'm the m-mechanic, I'll dress how I s-see fit," Rick snapped as he pointed at the worker, "N-Now, where's the generator? I-I'm not being paid t-to sit and talk."

The worker quickly brought us to a back room with a large generator and scuttled off.

"Yes! We have it n-now, Morty!" Rick said eagerly.

Rick bends over and unplugs the generator. This thing was weird looking and had a giant plug that went into a giant plug-in.

As Rick unplugs it, a rather ugly looking alien rushes in. 

"Wait! Please don't take the generator."

"What will I get in return if I leave it?"

"Life time of free fun at Blips and Chitz!"

Rick paused to think.

"For me, m-my grandson, and th-this little tag along?"

"Yes! Just plug the generator back in, please."

Rick considered this then plugged the generator back in.

"D-Deal," he said as the alien sighs in relief.

"W-Wait, we need a g-generator, Rick!" Morty mumbles to Rick.

"There's m-more than one place to get a generator, M-Morty."

With that, we all head back into the main area then to the games. I looked over to see a young boy with a reddish shirt with a yellow star on it and black hair. Next to him was a girl with long black hair and tan skin. The girl and boy were taking turns playing Roy.

"Alright, w-we'll play a bit," Rick says with a burp, "th-then we gotta head t-to the Citadel of R-Ricks."

A\N: Sorry for the short and bad chapter, I'm tired and really just want to get this chapter done and over with. Thanks for making it this far! WUBBALUBBADUBDUB!!! ~Chaotic

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