Episode 5-Long Time No See

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Spy Morty's P.O.V.

I wake and start to work on getting ready for the riot that I'll be leading.

"When do we begin the chaos?" Asked Morty T-28 with his Norway accent.

"When I give the signal," I say with a grunt.

"Is this a good idea? I mean, we've done riots before but never this risky," Morty T-27 says as he looks at me with his big black eyes.

"It'll be fine as long as we stick to the plan," I  say, reassuring him.

"Right, just stick to the plan," he mutters to himself.

"Look on the bright side! You'll be able to use your harpoon gun!" Says Morty T-28 to Morty T-27 with glee.

Morty T-27 goes by Tim and Morty T-28 goes by Todd as to not raise confusion and so we don't give our dimension numbers away.

"Yeah, I will! Are you gonna use your giant robot?" Says Tim to Todd.

"Sadly, no. The boss says it's to much," Todd says sadly.

"Enough chitchat," I say with a grin as I stand up, "Let the chaos, begin."

Grinning deviously, we all get ready for the biggest riot yet. Only us three truly knowing what chaos this riot will bring.

Evil Morty's P.O.V.

"Sir, Mortys are in filtrating the tower. What do we do?" Asked a Rick as he bursts into my office.

"They're just Mortys, wipe them out," I say with an annoyed sigh.

"There's more than we thought! They're everywhere."

"There can't be that many."

"Almost all of Mortyville sir, we think that some of the Mortys at the little parade you did were spies. Not only them are attacking as well, some of our own Ricks and Mortys are turning on us!"

I sit there and take in a long breath of air before releasing it slowly.

"Lock down the building. We're going to find the leader, or leaders, of this little revolt and lock them up." 

"Why not kill them, sir?" 

"I want answers, now go!"

The Rick nods and takes off. I listen as the whole building goes into lockdown. Soon the only light there is, is the light coming from the lightbulbs inside.

When I get my hands on whoever is leading this riot, I will show little to no mercy.

Spy Morty's P.O.V. (Again)

Todd, Tim, and I are fighting off a group of Ricks and Mortys when we here the building slowly go into lockdown.

"Retreat!" I yell to my fellow fighters, "Quickly, before there's no way out!" 

They run for the exit, Todd and Tim about to follow until they notice me going in an opposite direction.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Shouts Tim in irritation, "The exit is that way!"

"I'm going to visit an old friend!" I shout back as I make my way up to the top of the tower. Tim tries to follow but Todd grabs him and drags him out.

I finally get to the top after much bloodshed. I bust in only to be hit over the head by something hard. Suddenly I'm pinned. I look up to see the monster that I had come to kill.

"Ah, Morty R-230," he says with a devilish smirk, "long time no see."

(A\N): Here's another chapter! I know it's crap, but I got inspired to write (more like type) so I wrote away! See ya in the next chapter! It's bound to be more interesting. WUBBALUBBADUBDUB! ~Chaotic

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