Yes (Good End)

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Your (DC's) P.O.V.

Yes. I was going to save him. He may have had bad intentions, but he was still good deep down and he was my friend.

I quickly run over, jumping in in between Evil Morty and the other. I stare straight into the barrel of the gun that was now in my face. Why did I do this again?

"W-Wait! Don't kill him!" I shout.

The Morty with the gun glares at me, tightening his grip on the trigger.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asks. That's a good question-

"Do you really want to stoop down to his level? Killing him will solve nothing. You'll just become just as corrupt as him." I say as I turn to Evil Morty.

Smiling, I extend my hand to my evil friend and help him stand. Once he stands, I take a step away.

"He may be known as 'Evil Morty', but he can still be changed with effort. All we have to do is try."

I look at the two before pulling their arms up. After a bit of hesitation, they shake hands as they still continue to glare at one another.

"Truce?" Evil Morty says as he continues to shake.

The other Morty grunts in response, "Truce."

As this ordeal happens, a Rick and Morty run to me. The Morty gives me a tight hug while the Rick scoffs and pulls out a flask.

"See? I t-told you she'd be f-fine." Rick says as he takes a drink from his flask.

Ignoring Rick, Morty hugs me a bit tighter. I hug back but soon let go to hug Evil Morty.

"You nearly got your a$$ killed, dumba$$." I mutter to him while he slowly and hesitantly hugs back. (I wish I wasn't broke-)

Chuckling, he responds, "Just doing what I do best."

As I pull away from the hug, I look at the rubble around me some more. This would take ages to clean up, but from the looks of it, we won't be staying much longer.

I grab a portal gun from a smashed Rick and open a random portal, jumping through and dragging Evil Morty with me. I then look at Evil Morty and hand him the portal gun.

"See you around," I give him a smile before jumping back through the portal as it closes.

If he would've stayed, he would've been possibly killed by all the really pissed off Ricks and Mortys I could see.

I pull on Rick's sleeve and look between him and Morty.

"Can we go now? I want to go home."

"F-Fine, let's go. C-Come on, Morty," Rick says as he opens a portal.

We all head through, then I walk across the street from their garage to my house. Once inside, I head to my room. It's late, apparently you lose track of time in space. Would've never guessed it.

Evil Morty's P.O.V.

I walk around DC's demension, humming as I go. I was currently looking for her house and it's past midnight. Totally not a stalker thing to do, right?

Soon finding what I believed to be her house, I sneak into the back yard. Still not a stalker. I then climb up to her window and look in on her sleeping form. Okay, maybe slight stalker.

I watch her for a bit before tapping on her window. She didn't seem to have been asleep cause she immediately shoots up and looks around frantically. Paranoid much?

Chuckling, I tap again. She hears where it's coming from and walks over, opening the window.

"Morty? Evil Morty? What are you doing here?" She seemed afraid that I'd get caught.

I smile at her, "I'm here to say thank you. I could've died back there."

She giggles and pats my head.

"Ya think?" She leans forward to get a better look at my face then.

Taking my chance, I lean forward to kiss her. She seems shocked, but soon kisses back. Quickly, I pull away once again and salute to her.

"See you around, Doll!" And with that, I jump through a portal to escape that embarrassing situation. I won't lie, though. I do have a goofy grin on my face.


Author~Chan looks at her work, smiling. She then notices you reading everything she's doing as she literally narrates it so she turns to you.

"Well, my friend. That's the end! I'm a little sad to pull this to a close but it was fun while it lasted, right? I hope you all enjoy my story and give some of my other current ones and maybe some future ones a look. This is Chaotic Kat signing out for most likely the last time on this story, out."

Before Author~Chan could officially sign off, Uncle Grandpa bursts into the room.

"Hey! What about meeeee?" He says, his eyes big.

Author~Chan looks around, thinking. She toooootally didn't forget about him! Totally...

"Uh... what about you?" She asks, smiling.

"In one of the 'episodes' you said that I might be someone else and not Uncle Grandpa! You're just going to leave it off there? And what happened to the other Mortys? Or, maybe-"

Before Uncle Grandpa could continue speaking, Author~Chan pushes him out and smiles at you, the reader.

"I will see in the next story, buh bye!~"


Author~Chan groans as she looks back over her work, wanting to fix it up and make it better, but not knowing how to salvage it. It was now May 21st, 2020, and she wrote this back in, what was it, 2018? This book has been around for about two years, she knows that for certain.

Sighing, she looks over at you and smiles, though it looks more like a grimace.

"If you've managed to get this far, I applaud you. I have no clue how you did it, but you did. If you want me to try to rewrite this, maybe in a different book, I will, but I don't know if I want to even bother. Anyway, I'm sorry you had to read any of this. It was God awful and there's so much wrong with it," she groans out, taking off her glasses and rubbing her face in despair.

"Any how, requests are open. Meaning you can ask me for stories if you'd like. I have ideas but tend to not write when I don't have people in my face and making me have the motivation to write."

She pauses and looks out the window. She frowns softly, her face showing a mix of confusion, disappointment, and just plain sadness. Finally, she looks back at you.

"Reader~Chan, if there is anyway I can make this pandemic seem just a little less real to you with my writing, I will gladly do so. Of course, I'm not going to write anything with smut in it, you can find plenty of that on this site already, horndogs. But I can and will (try) to write what I may for you. This is a bundle of Chaotic Energy, now temporarily signing out. See y'all later."

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