Polaroid-Hailey Baldwin

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Hailey's P.O.V.

My mind seemed to be somewhere else this morning. I could faintly hear Kendall talking about her latest modeling shoot. I could not stop thinking about the mystery woman I had seen during my Guess shoot. She was gorgeous beyond belief. Yet, I did not even know her name. Just a face. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Kendall shaking me. 

"Hails are you okay? You seem preoccupied with something. What's on your mind babe?"

"Well, when I was shooting with Guess yesterday; I had seen this gorgeous woman on set. She was absolutely breathtaking Ken. I can't stop thinking about her."

"Well...are you going to be seeing her again?"

"I Don't know. I just saw what she looked like. I did not even catch her name."

"Describe her to me Hails."

"Okay. She had these amazing ___ eyes, gorgeous ___ hair, prettiest smile I had ever seen. Don't even get me started on her amazing long legs Ken. She looked like one of those perfect models that you would find in a magazine; but without all the touch-ups and Photoshop. She was pure perfection Ken!"

"Haha, sure sounds like it. Do you think anyone on set would have known who she was? Or better yet, would have known what her name was?"

"I'm sure someone would have to have known."

"Well why are you just sitting there? Call someone and ask them! Go get your mystery woman!"

I chuckled slightly at Kendall's enthusiasm. She had a point. I called up my manager and asked her. Thankfully she knew who the mystery woman was. I was able to bug her for her name. I hung up and went straight to Instagram and searched her up. I gawked at her Insta feed. I handed Kendall my phone and told her to take a look. Her expression was the same as mine. She handed me my phone back and looked at me. 

"Damn, Hails, you said she was perfection, but the word perfection does not even begin to explain her! Holy shit girl!"

"I know. Ugh! I don't know what to do! Do I message her? Do I try to get in touch with my manager and ask to set a shoot up with her? What do I do Kendall?"

"You should message her on Instagram."

"What if she thinks I'm a creep? What if she does not answer my DM? What if she's seeing someone?"

"You'll never know Hailey unless you actually do it. Grow a pair girl!"

I glared at Kendall. But I knew she was right. This is it, I was going to message her. I hesitated for a minute trying to decide what I should send her. I went for it anyway.

*Instagram message to ___:

Hey ___. My names Hailey Baldwin. I had seen you at the Guess shoot. I thought you were pretty and I called my manager asking her what your name was. Thankfully she was able to give me your name after bugging her for it. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up some time and maybe grab a coffee with me? I just realized how creepy and stalker-ish my message sounds...uh..I'm sorry about that. I mean, I was also shooting with Guess that day too and I could not stop staring at you. I thought you were absolutely gorgeous. You probably think I'm the biggest creep out there. Okay, I'm going to go now and I hope to hear from you. -Hailey. 

I mentally face palmed myself for sounding like a creep. Now, she probably won't respond to me. I sighed and got off of my couch pulling Kendall up with me in the process. We decided to go to the club and relieve some stress. After we had finished getting ready, I called a driver to come and get us since I knew we both would be doing some drinking tonight. When we arrived at the upscale club, I immediately went to the bar and ordered drinks for Ken and I. As I was sitting there stirring my whiskey neat, I felt someone's presence near me. I looked up thinking it was Kendall, but to my surprise it was ___ from the Guess shoot. I felt her eyes on me. I could not find words to introduce myself to her. She smirked at me probably sensing my nervousness. She took the seat next to me and waved the bartender over. 

"What can I get you ___?"

"Hennessy please Cam."

I watched as the bartender walked off and went to go make her drink. She turned to me and smiled. 

"Hey, you're Hailey Baldwin right?"

"Y-yeah. How'd you know?"

"I know that you're the girl who messaged me on Instagram about grabbing coffee with you some time. Plus, I think you're pretty cute yourself Ms. Baldwin."

I could not form any words to say to her. I watched as Cam gave her her drink and she winked at me while downing it. I heard her chuckle beside me. I watched as she stood up and walked off. I saw her turn her head in my direction and motion for me to follow her. I downed my drink and walked after her. I Saw her in the middle of the dance floor swaying her hips to the beat of the music. Our eyes met and she made her way over to me. She started grinding on me and I was too shocked to do anything. She giggled and grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. I started feeling the beat of the music course through my body as our bodies moved in sync. She pulled away from me and grabbed my hand and led me to a private area in the club. She took a seat on the couch and motioned for me to join her. I followed suit and joined her. She turned her body and stared into my eyes intensively. I started feeling nervous under her intense gaze. I adverted my gaze away from hers. She placed her hand on my cheek and gently turned my head so I was looking at her. 

"You seem nervous around me. Why's that?"

"Y-you're just so b-beautiful and y-you make me n-nervous."

"Uh huh. Is that so Hailey? Do you wish you could kiss me right now?"


"Then do it. Kiss me."

I started leaning in until our lips touched. I felt her soft lips move in sync with mine. I felt all sorts of emotions during the kiss. She sure had me wrapped around her finger. We pulled away to catch our breath. She kept her hands placed on my hips. I watched her reach for something behind her back. She handed me a picture. I looked at her confused. I turned the picture over and my eyes nearly fell out. I looked at her in disbelief. 

"Y-you took a picture of m-me on s-set?"

"Yeah. I saw you and I thought you were beautiful. I take Polaroids of beautiful things. You were one of those beautiful things Hailey. I wasn't sure if I was going to see you again. When you messaged me on Instagram, I just knew that'd I'd be seeing you. Plus, you're my favorite model to look at. I'll take you up on that coffee date Baldwin. Here's my number; text me babe."

With that, she handed me a piece of paper with her name and number on it and walked off; leaving me there. I got up and walked out of the room trying to find Kendall. I finally found her making out with some sleaze bag in corner of the club. I walked over to her and dragged her away. We walked outside and I called our driver to come and pick us up. Kendall looked at me with a raised brow. 

"I was actually enjoying his company Hails! Why'd you do that to me?!"

"Remember the woman I was telling you about earlier today?"

"Yeah. What about her?"

"She found me in the club and we danced together, and we went to a private room and she told me to kiss her and I did. She gave me this."

I handed Kendall the Polaroid. Her eyes widened as she looked at it. 

"She took a picture of you on set! Holy shit Hails! What did she say?"

"She said that she took Polaroids of beautiful things. She said that I was one of those beautiful things."

"Oh my gosh! That's sweet in a sort of creepy way. Did you get her number?"

"Yep. I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing a lot more of her very soon."

After that encounter in the club, I've become her model for her Polaroid pictures. 

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