This love is ours-Cate Blancett

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I want to say thank you to Twinkel52 for sending in this request! I had a blast writing this one! I hope you like it as much as I do! Thanks again love!

Prompt:  Cate Blancett x fem reader: Where Cate falls in love with the reader who is way younger than her and is dating Kendall Jenner. Cate knows she is cheating on the reader and Ellen (from the Ellen Show) is the adoptive mother of the reader. Ellen is always asking her on the show: 'when are you gonna make my daughter yours instead?'" Ellen doesn't like Kendall because she can't see her daughter often, and is angry that Kendall is cheating on her. Cate is there to comfort the reader after the breakup. She pulls the reader into a heated make out session---the night ends with them cuddling after making love; and Ellen being very happy about it.

Talking with Ellen was always a pleasure. As much as I enjoyed her company, my mind always wandered to her daughter. Ellen would always tease me about cuffing her daughter and making her mine---which I wanted, don't get me wrong; but I knew ___ was in a committed relationship with Kendall Jenner. I also knew Kendall was being unfaithful to ___. Something I couldn't stand seeing.

"Hey Cate! It's always a pleasure to have you on the show. I must say though, you know how much I like the thought of you and my daughter together. Speaking of my daughter, when are you going to ask her out?"

The embarrassment was real.

"You know I adore your daughter Ellen. I know she's in a very serious relationship with Kendall. It wouldn't be my place to step in and ruin that."

"Just know that I'm rooting for you guys!"

After leaving the show, I went home and had a 'me' type of afternoon. I was in my kitchen preparing dinner, when I heard my phone buzz. My face immediately lit up when I saw ___'s contact across my screen.

"Hey ___! What are you up to?"

"Hey Cate. I found out Kendall was cheating on me."

"Oh, ___. I'm sorry to hear that love. Do you want to come over? I'm making dinner, going to watch a movie on Netflix, and maybe enjoy a nice glass of wine. You're more than welcome to join me this evening."

"I'd like that. Thank you. I'll be over in half an hour."

I had just finished up making dinner when I heard a light knock at my door.

"Come in."

I continued setting the table, when I heard ___'s voice ring throughout my living room.


"Hi. How are you feeling?"

"Numb. I thought I was going to be all emotional about the split, but surprisingly, I'm doing okay. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. I'm just ecstatic that you're here."

___ and I sat in my living room eating dinner, just enjoying the calming atmosphere around us. From all the never-ending conversation and laughs; to the passionate kisses and hungry touching here and there. Our limbs, bodies, and sheets entangled together. Our love making leaving us both breathless and speechless.

"You're beautiful."

Slipped past my lips as I watched the slight blush creep its way on ___'s cheeks.

""Yeah? If I'm beautiful, then you're stunning, Cate."

Now it was my turn to blush.

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

"I've been falling in love with you."

We both lay there in silence as "Can't Help Falling In Love" was playing on repeat in the background.

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