Teacher-Lynn Gunn Part 1

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That obnoxious sound of your alarm going off makes you want to bang your head against a damn wall. I reached for my phone and tried hitting my screen multiple times to shut the damn thing off. I lazily got my lifeless self out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. I trudged downstairs and grabbed some fruit and my keys and made my way to my car. The worst thing about being in college is actually finding the motivation to go to class. I, for some reason hated my Music History class. I loved music don't get me wrong, but I hated the course material we were forced to learned and I hated the professor too. Sure, she was attractive but she rubbed me off the wrong way. I groaned and started my car and headed to my University campus. I made my way inside the class and sat down in my usual spot waiting for Hell to begin.

"___, you're late again. You know how I feel about lateness in my class."

"Sorry Lynn, it'll happen again so you should start getting use to it sweetie."

I know, talking back to your professor and being rude about it should be enough to get you kicked out of the class right? Wrong. That was all the more motivation I had just given to Lynn.

"Ah, so we're deciding to be rude with a hint of attitude thrown in there are we now smart ass?"

"Yeah. Didn't you just hear what I said?"

"Well..lucky for you ___ I have a special surprise just for you."

"Oh I can't wait."

I wasn't in the mood to be dealing with her, let alone her stupid course.

"Can you come here for a second? I want to tell you something."

I rolled my eyes and I stood up. I could feel every pair of eyeballs on me. When I reached Lynn, I made sure to give her my most unamused face that I could.

"What? I'm not in the mood to be here and I'm most certainly not in the mood to be dealing with you either."

"I just wanted to ask you something. Is that a problem?"

"Only if it doesn't concern me directly and just wastes my time. Then yeah, it is a problem."

"Well, as a punishment for your uncalled for behavior just a few minutes ago, I thought it would be a good idea to have you teach the class today. You know, let the students get a student on student learning experience."

"I don't feel like doing that."

"It's not an option as to whether you want to do it or not. It's a command. You're doing it unless you want to be kicked out of this class for the rest of the semester?"

At this point, I could feel my blood boiling with anger. Now I hated her even more. What a complete asshole she was being. I could tell that she was enjoying this too. What a sick individual. I rolled my eyes once again and stood in front of the class waiting for all the whispering and chatter to die down. I watched as Lynn kicked back and watched me intently. I was in for a wild ride.

"Hi. As you know my name is ___. I'll be your professor until class is over. Let's get started shall we?"

In all honesty, I had no clue as to what we were actually studying in that class. Lord knows I wasn't paying any attention. Let alone taking notes since I was too busy on my phone or not caring.

"Okay, I have no idea what we're learning in here, so some of y'all are going to have to help me out here."

"___, why haven't you been paying attention in my class? Oh wait, that's right, you're too busy on your damn phone texting away with your friends to even care about what's going on around you."

"Is it that obvious? I'm sorry if my friends are more important than Music History.."

"Well in that case you can sit down and I'll just meet with you after class instead."

"Fine by me."

I thought that torture would never end..I took my seat and went back to my usual shenanigans. Once class ended and all the bodies piled out of the room, it was just Lynn and I. May I say how hot and heavy the tension was between us. I looked at her and noticed she was eyeing me down and it made me hella uncomfortable.

"Can I help you with something Lynn? You're eyeing me like I'm a piece of meat instead of an actual human being."

"I don't like you attitude ___. You need an attitude adjustment."

"Yeah? You need better teaching skills. Why are you even a college professor anyway? It seems like you hate your job.."

"First of all, that's non of your business. Second of all, it pays the bills."

"Okay. Sorry for asking..sheesh."

I preoccupied myself by playing Best Fiends on my phone waiting for the word from Lynn that it was okay to leave. I kept growing more and more impatient as the time ticked away.

"How long are you going to be holding me for exactly?"

"For as long as I feel like. I have all day sweetie. So if I was you, I would sit back and relax. You're going to be here for a long ass time."

If looks could kill I would have jumped over my desk and strangled her by now. At this point, I was so fed up with her bullshit that I just wanted to leave already. This day was going to be long as Hell.

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